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Off to find a lawyer......

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Brian Jasper co. Ia View Drop Down
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I think Glenn and Dave have some pretty good ideas. I probably shouldn't say this, but if you really want to get back at them, here's what I did once about 20 years ago. I got a bottle of friction modifier (skunk in a bottle) from the Ford dealer I worked for and poured it in the fresh air inlet of an a******'s car that lived in the same apt building I did. The jerk actually was female and after that she never bothered me again. I also moved a few weeks later.
Like the others say, best to just move. I know it sucks, but look at it this way. You sound like you probably can put something together to move to a better neighborhood. Sounds like the other guy has crapped in his nest and is going nowhere for quite a while.
"Any man who thinks he can be happy and prosperous by letting the government take care of him better take a closer look at the American Indian." Henry Ford
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acwdwcman View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote acwdwcman Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 20 May 2011 at 6:33pm

Well half of the ways to stop it on here is good compared to what my neighbor said about my other neighbor. First he said he hoped a tornado would come through and wipe the family out. But that was so unlikely to happen so he said he wanted to make it to were there water heater blew up and killed them all.. A little harsh is what I said to him.

These neighbors are always coming and going we think they were selling drugs. They are going all night and its getting pretty bad so I feel the same way you do. But the man of that house is nice but its just the people he is with. 
wd with a freeman model 90 trip loader, wd45, 38 unstylled wc, b 10 garden tractor and 2-14 ac trip plow. grandpa has a 56 wd45. wd. allis chalmers snap coupler blade and 3 bottom snap coupler plow
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Gary in da UP View Drop Down
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 A call to the meth lab hotline ........

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BennyLumpkin View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote BennyLumpkin Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 20 May 2011 at 9:51pm
Well guys thanks for the advice.....I sat down with the same District Magistrate that I went before with the false arrest.....we sat down and I started at the beginning....back when I bought the house and all the events since then. Well the first words out of his mouth about yesterday was "that their actions were arrogant bull$hit" .....and that is a quote and he asked if I took pics....which in my fury I did not....he informed me I have every right if they do ANYTHING to take pics(and if its the same kinda thing to ask them to clean it up) and if they dont do anything or Im not satisfied, to call the State Police and have them cited for Criminal Mischief and if the Police didnt want to deal with it, he would gladly allow me to Sue in his court for repairs, damages, and any cleanup I have to take care of. I've had my house listed nearly a year but I'm dropping the price significantly, and getting this sold. 
Central PA Allis Express
1934 WC254
1945 WF
1945 WC135755
1951 WD68085
1953 WD45-150217
1957 WD45D-230744D
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Steve M C/IL View Drop Down
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A word of encouragement for you Benny. You have your head on straight and enough good sense to keep it that way.I don't know ya but you've shown yourself to have good character since you came to this board.I'm glad you decided to cut your losses and move on.A newlywed couple doesn't need this aggrevation as they start life together.Find someplace safe and secure for your new wife and live life focusing on each other.Might be wise to rent something cheap while searching for the "right" spot.What I'm saying is,don't grab the first thing out of the box just to get away from there however, I doubt you would.
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scott View Drop Down
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How about the opposite tact... get them to move. How loud is your stereo? How much does your dog bark?  Ever drove an out of control tractor through a wall on accident? Trash fire on a windy day? Start out slow, perhaps with a patch of lawn on their side, that grows to the legal limit, then gets blown over to their side. Eye for an eye.
 This IS a terrible time to sell a house. A lawyer or a fence is likely to cost a bundle. Way more than a bright light that shines in their window. Wait till the guy is gone and park a strange car in front of their house and sneak a set of mans shoes over by the door. All the above would yank my chain, but not as much as a mean rooster crowing. My take on tires is that leaky valve cores do not constitute damage. Get creative! Ya might start with a call to the dog catcher...
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thomas davison View Drop Down
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Manh of the suggested solutions are expensive and or nasty.  I might be better to forget the past problems and go to the neibhbor and suggest that you gorget past problems and woud like to live side by side in peace.  The other guy may be tired of being nasty and would also like a little peace and quiet.  It would not cost you anything to try this, and if it fiails then you will have to pursue other action.  Just a thought.l
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zootownjeepguy View Drop Down
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So you have "Michigan rednecks" in Pennsylvania too? I have a neighbor lady that's always calling the police and city to complain about my other neighbors. The old bat calls the cops if a twig falls in her yard (that's not an exaggeration) or if a kid's ball lands in her yard. The people that live next to her have gone so far as to have their trees removed so nothing falls in her yard and they are now in the process of getting approval for a tall privacy fence.

The old bat leaves me alone because I do what I call the "Hind-lick maneuver". I am always plowing snow for her and helping her out with my Bobcat or brush hog whenever she needs it done. Sometimes it's better to befriend the enemy than to fight them. The downside to this is that I'm the only neighbor she will talk to, and if she catches me outside working on something she'll come over and start ranting about things that any sane person would not even think about.

Sounds like it's too late for you though, things have gone too far. The only solution at this point might be for either you or them to move. Lawyers can only suck money out of your wallet.

I wish you luck!

P.S.  I have a few gallons of gas here that's contaminated with that nasty goo from my Allis U tank. You could pour it in their car's gas tank!

Edited by zootownjeepguy - 22 May 2011 at 11:46am
Rich Salvaggio
'31 Allis Chalmers U 7143
'46 Willys CJ2A Farm Jeep
'48 Caterpillar D2
Antique Garden tractors
*Other rusty old junk comes & goes without notice
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ChuckLuedtkeSEWI View Drop Down
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I have some choice neighbors, and they have hated whoever lives in our house way before we got here.    We tried to killl them with kindness, doing things they wanted, wife took them cookies at Christmas, nothing worked.   Finally I sat down with the building inspector and looked for all of the things they weren't in compliance with.   I picked one of the big things and turned them in.    It took a couple notices from the town so they knew that both the wife and I and the town weren't going to back down.   Finally the neighbor came over and wanted to make ammends.   Told him too late, and that nothing would make me more happy then to turn him in once a year in the heat of the summer and watch the old man work on cleaning or fixing something up, and that each time I would be on my side of the fence drinking a cold beer watching.   After the first thing we turned them in was over, their complaints to the town on us magically dissapeared.    Every now and then he still whines about something over the fence and I always have a good comeback which ticks him off and he leaves me alone for another 6 months.  
1955 WD45 diesel 203322 was my dad's tractor, 1966 D15 23530, 1961 HD3 Crawler 1918, 1966 D17 IV 83495, 1937 WC 41255, 1962 D19 6221
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acd21man View Drop Down
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i have a idea ok get some hogs and a feeder and those hogs will drive them out cause there feeder makes so much noise because of the lids lol its noisy
2 wd 45,2 D-17 diesel/gas 3 pt, 220,d21, 4020,2 4430s used daily
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GARY(OH/IN) View Drop Down
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Maybe just maybe these neighbors are pretty much standard for what's out there today but you having grown up with disipline and training in your life cannot understand how these losers think.

Rationally think about your options and goals. If your headed to the country anyway and the appearance of the place next door fits the overall area =SELL.
Call owner next door to see if he'll buy and/or try to sell yourself before listing. Realtors work percentage games as in if he has 10 listings and 10% sell he starves but if he has 100 and 10% sell he is very sucessful. If yours is one of the 90% that didn't sell and he used your place to show and then sell others you'll be even more frustrated.
Offer to assist buyer with the down payment. I usually leave a maximum of 10% in the deal and take back a second with monthly payments for 5 years. Structure the deal so if you never get that money you are still good. Record your mortgage and it will never sell again without you being paid. Result you get 90% at closing and paper for balance.
You would have spent 6 or 7% on a realtor anyway. Advertise on Craigslist and other low cost pick up papers and put up an easy to read sign.
Go out and buy the family next door some video games as to make them believe you want a truce but really it will keep them in the house and out of sight while your trying to sell. (LOL)
MAKE this work for you.
Congrats on your wedding. Enjoyed the photos.
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ky wonder View Drop Down
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several years ago i had a neihbor who built in a , in a new rural subdivision, and built on one of the lots, that bordered my farm on the rear.
the guy who built next to my farm was a retired pain in the toosh, and conplained about everything, from the dust that the tractors and machinery made, to the noise.
he showed his arse one day at the local country store and finnally got me a little upset.
i asked him if he thought we should stop farming because he wanted a quiet life, and if he did not see the 200 acres of corn that was growing when he built his house.
needless to say he still thought he was in the right and i should not farm that piece of ground. his exact words where i had enough ground that i could move the corn field and let live stock pasture there.
so the next day , being the kind of guy i am and wanting to applease my nice neibor, i fenced off 3 acres that happened to border his 3 acre lot, moved a little lean to shed to the fence, and unloaded about fifty feet of feed trough, that was less than 100 feet from his bedroom
and the next sale day at the local livestock hog sale i bought 20 feeder sholts,
 i also put a old 1000 gallon tank on a old trailer that i could use to get free whey, from our local cheese processor.
i made a point of driving a old farm truck, that had no exhaust left back there every morning at 3:30am to feed the hogs, before we milked , and if you have never smelled the scent that sour milk whey emits in summer time heat you are blessed. much less the smell of twenty hogs and the noise they make when its feeding time
i let those hogs feed out there that year and have never heard another complaint from that guy about the farm operations
i like old tractors of all colors
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Reeseholler View Drop Down
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Benny, Don't move to howard. There's some interesting characters down there too lol Hope everything gets worked out. I normally don't hear too much about centre hall but I guess there's one in every crowd
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BennyLumpkin View Drop Down
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Well lots of ideas, but many wont work....We know the property we want, and its still in town. Property is at a price around here you cant imagine.....10 to 20k an acre isnt unusual to see. So buying rural property is out unless I move away from this area which I cant do with Dad and I's business. For those of you that understand what my avatar stands for should understand I'm going to do this the upright way....not dirty, not underhanded. I'll keep you all updated but the plan at the moment is to drastically lower my price on my house and get it sold. 
Central PA Allis Express
1934 WC254
1945 WF
1945 WC135755
1951 WD68085
1953 WD45-150217
1957 WD45D-230744D
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maurice View Drop Down
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I had an unpleasant neighbor.  He was tresspassing on all his neighbors; some did not take kindly to him driving a bobcat in thier fields.  So when one farmer got in unpleasant nieghbor's face, he turned his focus on me.  Burned some evergreens, drunken yellings, training attack dogs,...  I paid a lawyer about $50 to send him a letter asking him to pay for damages or turn it over to his own insurance.  Insurance paid, but neighbor still behaved badly even encouraging his dog to advance on me.  Until he noticed the (legally permitted) pistol on my hip.  I never had to pull it from holster.  He called his dogs back and was quiet ever since.  That was 3 years.   A few days ago, he came to apologize for his poor choices while drinking and that he is in recovery.  So yes, there are other ways.  But there is some very interesting advice here!
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BennyLumpkin View Drop Down
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I've tried it all....kept to myself, let it all go, tried reasoning with them, tried burying the hatchet....doesnt matter....they're lowlifes and will be nothing better. It makes their day to bother me apparently but all is well because next time I'm just going to Sue them for the little that they have just to prove a point....and when I win, I'll give them an up, or move out.
Central PA Allis Express
1934 WC254
1945 WF
1945 WC135755
1951 WD68085
1953 WD45-150217
1957 WD45D-230744D
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SHAMELESS View Drop Down
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ya kin put round up on their grass by your driveway...then they can't blow grass on your stuff! diesel fuel works good too!
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se iowa picker View Drop Down
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I like the idea of buying them out and then moving them out.That would be a nice day to have local boys come hand them their papers lol. Well what ever you do I wish you luck.
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Breeze View Drop Down
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Rent your place to some mexicans.
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Greg_WJP_(WI) View Drop Down
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It doesn't sound like you're going this direction, but if you're considering buying out the landlord and evicting your neighbors, have a proxy buyer go through the house and document the condition...everything.  My assumption, from your description of the neighbors, is that they will trash the house as they are forced to leave.
I can only imagine how tough it is, but I applaud you for taking the higher road.  Don't let bad neighbors change who you are.
By the way, nice wedding pics.
Good luck with the house and your marriage.
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