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Off to find a lawyer......

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BennyLumpkin View Drop Down
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    Posted: 20 May 2011 at 6:34am
So I've had enough....4 years and its all I can take. Bought my house 4 years ago the day before sheriff sale...the judge forced the guy to sell because he was forcing it to foerclosure in a nasty divorce mess....well he still lives next door because he was screwing the lady that lives there....hence the divorce from the previous wife. So I buy this siding, windows smashed out, garage falling down...a real fixer upper. So dad and I take the better part of a year and make me a nice home. Well about 3 months after I bought it, this guys new hunny had her kid out back who was like 12ish....him and his buddy were banging baseballs off my garage so I told them to stop....well her and this guy come out and threaten physical violence, and verbally harass me. Its been downhill ever since. They put water in my fuel oil tank which screwed the finish on my new oak floors(called cops, couldnt prove it) and screwed up my boiler. They have harassed me over the years, had me arrested once and trump charges that I got thrown out....made them and the state trooper look dumb in front of a judge....well last night the wife and I got home and I parked my 2500HD in the driveway which borders their house(homes are close together on this street) and even though it had rained they mowed their 12 inch deep yard that day. I jumped in the Dually to make a parts run for the mower and left the GMC parked and the wife at the house. When I came home I noticed the neighbor had made two passes blowing grass out which covered...and I do mean covered my driveway, the side of my GMC which just got painted on that side from a guy hitting me a month or so ago, and my white sided garage.....I had to wash my garage, and my truck last night before I could leave.....I've had several other problems with them as well(dogs barking constantly, dogs in my yard, their dogs running and crapping in the cemetery across the street, not cleaning up their yard and the bugs being so bad I couldnt sit on my porch in the summer, trespassing, and the balless wonder of a boro manager we have wont do a thing, the boro council head sent a letter telling both of us to stop going to the boro or it would go to the District Magistrate(if I farted crossways she'd complain to the boro) folks I'm at wits end....I've had enough, and I'm seeking legal council. Anyone have any other advice? I own my home, they rent and their landlord wont do crap either.....this is ridiculous...... Sorry for the long rant.....
Central PA Allis Express
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote jaybmiller Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 20 May 2011 at 6:47am
Neighbour from Hell.....
1) Put your place up for sale and move....
2a) Borrow a backhoe and dig 3 trenches, 6' long, 2' wide, 6' deep in front yard,properly 'yellow roped' off( safety first).
Anyone questions what they're for, just say planning early for Halloween...
2b) Post notice in your windows that you just bought a nice shiny chrome plated Glock this week !
#2 is what we'd like to do, #1 is the sensible thing to do.
STRESS will kill you.....then those neighbours WIN....
(hmm..didn't you see them selling drugs the other call the FBI ?)
3 D-14s,A-C forklift, B-112
Kubota BX23S lil' TOOT( The Other Orange Tractor)

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Install a fence down that side of the property.  A tall privacy fence if the local code will allow.
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ernie(IND) View Drop Down
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Been there, done that and the best advice I can give you is sell and get out. Life is way too short to put up with it. If possible, move out in the country where your nearest neighbor is about 1/8 mile away.
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Orange Blood View Drop Down
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Sounds ike you need to invest in fairly good quality security cameras, if you intend to stay there.  Put one or two on the other side, and three or four on their side, make sure you can't see in any of their windows, and record ALL the time.  Start calling the cops only when you have hard evidence of a serious crime, lawn clippings on your truck and house, no matter how bad are not a crime, but water in the oil tank is.  The cameras will either stop the crap, or give you the evidence you need to bring charges and actually win.  When you have altercations do it in plain view of the cameras, then if he hits you, and you don't hit him.....don't try to set him up either, let him hang himself!!!
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Stan IL&TN View Drop Down
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Good fences make good neighbors.
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LouSWPA View Drop Down
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You won't win with a lawyer, all a lawyer will do in a situation like this is lighten your wallet significantly.......not a shot at lawyers, it's just that this is not a situation where a bigger hammer will solve the problem.
My suggestion is to find a disinterested third party to help negotiate a peaceful settlement. But this will only work if both parties are interested in forgetting the past and living together in peace. There are professional conflict resolution people, or, could be a retired judge, etc. 
Also, just remember honey works better than vinegar. For instance when the young lad was bouncing balls off the garage, instead of going out with a verbal club in hand....try asking him nicely not to do so, and explain why, and thank him for his cooperation. This won't work right away, but, with patience, it will eventually work, at least with the kids....adults may be a different story.
All else fails, move. 
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Chris/CT View Drop Down
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You should not have to move but, it may be the best in long run, assuming you can sell and get a decent return on your investment. It may be a blessing in disguise as there is most likely a better location to settle that you would be happier at. If you must stay, I think the highest/strong/best fence idea would solve your problem, just remove the nasty humans from your space.
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Dave H View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Dave H Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 20 May 2011 at 7:28am
Originally posted by Stan IL&TN Stan IL&TN wrote:

Good fences make good neighbors.
Gees what a foggy memory I have.  Wasn't it John Steinbeck tht figured that out?
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Teddy (punchie) View Drop Down
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Hey Would ask how things are but, looks like you explained that.  I bought a WD wide front off of you this spring.

I'll ask around around about pics , I recall the PSP using them or turnpike for tickets and then they, passed something about it be not usable for tickets. If I recall it is not usable for trespassing. Not that they can go after you for a crime if you do, but may not be albe to use it as evidence.

I'll be in touch later to girls to get out the door.

Hope you can straighten this out !!!!

Ac D-19, a Number of WD's, One WD45, Two 444 balers, Ac plows and etc.
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John (C-IL) View Drop Down
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Now you know why the place was a dump when you bought it. Move ASAP. Nothing a lawyer could do will solve any of your problems and could actually make them worse.
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Pat the Plumber CIL View Drop Down
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Benny, My father told me a long time ago there are two thing you have little control over: Who your family is and who your neighbors are.

Just might as well plan to move.Sell that house to some hood rats and give them some of their own medicene.I know you have a lot invested but you cannot put a price on happiness.
You only need to know 3 things to be a plumber;Crap rolls down hill,Hot is on the left and Don't bite your fingernails

1964 D-17 SIV 3 Pt.WF,1964 D-15 Ser II 3pt.WF ,1960 D-17 SI NF,1956 WD 45 WF.
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Jeff-in-Kunkletown View Drop Down
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I think I'd go the fence route Benny, that is if the Boro lets you. Selling the place might not work because with all the houses on the market people won't give you a second look when they see the dump next door. Security cameras might be a good idea though. I'm sure Shameless could probably give you a few "creative" ideas too. Good luck.
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I like ernie(IND)'s idea, except that the nearest neighbor being an eighth of a mile away is way to close. I like at least a mile of space. That may be a little easier to do here in ND than in other parts though. But regardless, I say just move. Darrel
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Stan IL&TN View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Stan IL&TN Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 20 May 2011 at 8:51am
Originally posted by Dave H Dave H wrote:

Originally posted by Stan IL&TN Stan IL&TN wrote:

Good fences make good neighbors.
Gees what a foggy memory I have.  Wasn't it John Steinbeck tht figured that out?
I think Robert Frost.
1957 WD45 dad's first AC

1968 one-seventy

1956 F40 Ferguson
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junkman View Drop Down
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Was in the fence businesses for 15 years and most of our business when it came to privacy fence was bad neighbors. We even built one 10 feet tall and put boards on both sides staggered so no one could even look through the cracks.  
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Skyhighballoon(MO) View Drop Down
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Benny - I had my share of neighbor problems both next door in a rental house and down the street both ways - all three the proverbial "white trash".  Had not all 3 of these sets of people moved on their own we had very seriously considered at moving ourselves.  It is extremely stressful to you and your family.   You are constantly pi$$ed off - you go to bed mad, you wake up mad and all you can think about is dropping a ton (or twenty) of bricks on these low-life's. 

I agree with the comments about not hiring a lawyer to go after these people directly with a lawsuit.  Talking to one might be useful for some advice though.  The only place I can see where legal pressure might work is on the landlord.  Yes you've "talked" to him but if you feel compelled to lean on anyone I'd start there.  He's the one with the relative "deep pockets" and is likely to have liability insurance to cover damages by his tenants.   If you found out who his insurance company is and have a lawyer send them a letter they for sure would apply a BUNCH of pressure on him if they think they'd have to pony up to defend a lawsuit and pay damages.  What I will tell you though is if you actually follow through with filing suit you'll risk a bogus counter-suit and as many have said, the situation will get much worse at that point.

Don't you have other neighbors - esp. on the other side of these people?  If others are unhappy with these people the situation changes dramatically if it's them against many instead of one-on-one.  Mike

Edited by Skyhighballoon(MO) - 20 May 2011 at 9:10am
1981 Gleaner F2 Corn Plus w 13' flex
1968 Gleaner EIII w 10' & 330
1969 180 gas
1965 D17 S-IV gas
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Coke-in-MN View Drop Down
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 Fence or for sale , fence tall enough and strong enough will need permit.
Some people are so miserable in their lives they want to export that feeling to everyone else.
 If you could dig deep into their feelings , I believe you are seen as a cause of the old problem for if you had not bought the place life would have been fair but your the one who caused the problem.
  Sell as soon as you can and have peace in your life.
 Remember fence may keep the bad out, they may also prevent the good from getting in. We can build a fortress with no doors or windows to be safe but we also prevent the joys of life from entering .
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Alberta Phil View Drop Down
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Benny, I would sell and move. You don't want your new bride to have to live in that situation, it puts added stress on everything.
I was in a similar situation with a new wife several years ago, and eventually sold and moved. Best thing I could do as the h0le neighbor was not going to move; he bragged about how he had forced the previous owners to move, also.  If I hadn't moved, he would have died from "lead poisoning", and then I would have been up the creek!!
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MOVE OUT! you will never beat a bunch of ANIMALS!

210 "too hot to farm" puller, part of the "insane pumpkin posse". Owner of Guenther Heritage Diesel, specializing in fuel injection systems on heritage era tractors. stock rebuilds to all out pullers!
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clovis View Drop Down
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I agree with the others...go find a real estate agent instead of a lawyer.
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Since the housing market is pretty soft right now, consider what it would take to have your property enrolled as Section 8 housing. Hire a management company to deal with the tenants (probably more low life than your neighbors), and don't look back. The place will get tore up and end up a crap hole, but don't let your emotion get in the way of getting your money out of the place. Since you got it at the right price (I assume), let it work for you, and don't let it kill you. You got a whole lot of living left to do, don't get off on the wrong foot.
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I agree with Glenn, move and rent the place out to people worse than them....
This year:
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A couple other ideas.  You might contact the neighbors insurance co and mention the poor way the house they cover isn't being well cared for.  Insurance companies don't like run down houses and will put pressure on the owners to clean up their act. 
A fence may be a solution but I get the impression the neighbors don't have much respect for others property.
If the real estate market is soft and you have good credit, perhaps you could make an offer to the owner of the house and buy it.  Probably best to go through a third party so the neighbors don't know who the buyer is.  Have a lawyer or management co evict them and get someone you can deal with.  Moving would be easier but being a landlord could be more profitable.
"If at first you don't succeed, get a bigger hammer"
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John has the answer. Buy his rental from the owner and evict the SOB. Then you can pick your neighbors.
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I would want to use a take on Jay's #2, but the best thing to do is probably move.
I don't think a fence will help. They have gone so far as to have you falsely arrested. That is not something a fence will help stop, so I think it is an option destined to fail.
I would not pay a lawyer as Lou said they will just lighten your wallet and not solve the problem.
One thing you may have available, but it will cost a boat load of money. You said they rent. Buy the house from the owner and kick them out. That is probably not an option because of the money, but it would solve the problem.
After all is said and done the best and cheapest thing to do in my opinion is move. If you can afford just to be anti-social as they are and on Jay's line of thinking tear the house down and yell good riddance %^^ #$%^ when you move and donate the land to some charity. I suppose the best thing is to just move..........
Think for yourself and be your own expert. Be willing to change your mind; however, willingness to change your mind doesn’t mean that you will. Blindly following any path is the pinnacle of insanity.
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Lots of good suggestions.  What I would do... is put up the fence, then put LOTS of work into your new place... make it look really good, and get the assessment value really high... then sell the house for something 'reasonable'.

What'll happen... is YOUR house's assessed value will go up substantially, as will the PITA neighbor.  They'll end up getting taxed right out of their home.  ;-}

Don't become a plaintiff in a long-drawn suit, particularly a risky one.  Better to be a defendant, particularly in a suit where your defense is pretty ironclad.  Looser pays for the bulk of litigation costs!

Finally, don't ever get mad at someone who's doing you wrong, just file the complaints.  If he threatens you, file the complaint, let the police deal with it.  If the local authorities cast you off, THEN you call in the lawyer.  Always leave your adversary just enough rope to hang themselves, and finally... go looking for a nice place out in the country... someplace quiet, fairly secluded, where you and your wife can be who you are, without having to listen to the racket of the rat-race.

Don't think for a minute that you're backing down or giving up... you bought a fixer-upper, and you did it, proved that it was done.  Value raised, and sell it for the best you can get... consider it a stepping stone... make your next step, one that has septic and well, a 'livable' place that you can put sweat-equity in, or mebbie live in long enough to break ground and build a modern place... mebbie a couple'a run-down outbuildings and at least one fairly good one...
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Gary IN View Drop Down
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You must own the neighborhood to control it. Buy theirs and smile when you hand them their notice. Good Luck. Gary IN
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Never met an honast lawer. Waste of money.  Cameras OK But probably wont' get you any where. Kill them with kindness. They feed on haveing conflict.  
The universal answer to all questions is yes, how much do you want to spend?
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as jeff says...yeah...i do have ways of removing neighbors! but since you live in town, most of my ways won't work!! put up a fence, and it'll give them something to hang stuff on! like dead animals! put up cameras, if they see 'em, they'll mess with them! game cameras are the best, you can drill a small hole in garage to put the lens thru. don't waste money on lawyers, they will carry it thru for a year or better all the while charging you! if it's a dump, buy it, and tear it down for a garden spot! (thus no new neighbors to contend with) or you can build a garage for all your new AC's! you're young and have the time to make this work! sounds like you're a patient person..(which is good)! spend a little more patience and it'll work out!
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