Expensive Too.
I fired up my beat up Massy (AGCO IZEKI) Ferguson 1260 to do a little tilling job and noticed after a round or two the temp was up and fluctuating. Time to cool it down and blow the dust out of the radiator. I need to do this several times a year. I pulled the hood sides off and ran some cool water over the radiator with the engine running and the temp went down. I slowly removed the radiator cap and added a little water and shut it down. Drug out the air hose and blow down tip and proceded to blow out the radiator and noticed the fan belt was freyed and then noticed the fan was loose. Whoa is me.
Could it be the water pump is shot? I took the hood off and drained the diluted antifreeze and pulled the radiator and got to the water pump which was shot.
I called my nearest ( 50 miles away) MF dealer about a new or used or rebuilt pump. They needed the SN because there are 2 pumps. Mine happened to be the cheap one at $260 and they had it in stock. NEW only. What is a body to do? I have paid with a CC and had them ship the wrong part so I take my old pump and jump in the truck. It's only noon by now. I tried to locate a fan belt on the way up there with no luck. TSC had L3 narrow belts but they were all too short or too long.
Anyway. The parts gal sets this BIG box on the counter and we open it. What I brought to match was half the size of what was in the box and mine still had the pully on it. They sell the water pump bolted up to what amounts to the whole aluminum front casting of the engine less gaskets and O rings and thermostat. They are extra.
I say, I only need the small front piece with the moving parts thats broken. Can't you sell me just the pump part? They look it up and say yes we can, but we have to order it special. It is cheaper. $253. I ask. How much is the themostat housing? $85
What a deal? You get a $85 fancy new cast aluminum part that you don't need for $7. LOL
How much is a MF 1260 fan belt. $34. Not in stock. One too long at TSC was $8.
Any-who. I got the whole shebang with a water pump only gasket in case I mess up the new one thats between the pieces I am taking apart. And. I did find a matching fan belt for less than $9 at a auto parts store before I got home. Tomorrow is get it back together and hope I sell lots of peas and corn and okra this summer to pay for AGCO tractor parts.
On the plus side. I got a deal on a matching set of used 12-4 24 Goodyears out back of the dealership in the tractor salvage yard. Real nice live rubber with perfect beads and about 5% of the tread remaining. Should make good puller tires for my CA on stock AC spinout rims. Do rear tires ever get to worn to make good pulling tires? I need a excuse to go back and look around summore in the salvage yard. Mostly MH MF and Kubota stuff. I spotted 1 brand new Firestone Field and Road 11- 2 24 on a new Kubota wheel. It looked perfect. Didn't ask. How Much?
Oh I almost forgot. I got their shop foreman to press the pully off my old pump. NC. I thought that was nice of them.