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WHAT? No 4000 lb class

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Forum Name: Pulling Forum
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Topic: WHAT? No 4000 lb class
Posted By: Ken in Texas
Subject: WHAT? No 4000 lb class
Date Posted: 17 Jun 2013 at 6:58am
I know now why I don't like pulling in Paris Texas. The lighter weight tractor classes jump 1000 pounds after 3500.  There must not be any #4000 JD tractors in their club.
I worked real hard being competive in 3500 and 4000 with my CA. Being 500 pounds light is huge handicap. They make the rules but that don't make much sense to jump the next class up 1000 lbs  this early in a pulling contest.
Long way to haul to not be able to compete competivly.

Posted By: Charlie175
Date Posted: 17 Jun 2013 at 9:01am
so you guys have 3500, 4500, 5500....?

Sounds like they are trying to reduce the amount of hooks. Who wants to throw on 1,000 lbs of weights at a time?


'48 B, '51 CA, '56 WD45 '61 D17, '63 D12, '65 D10 , '68 One-Ninety XTD

Posted By: Kip-Utah
Date Posted: 17 Jun 2013 at 9:58am
I'm sure it has something to do with past or anticipated participation by class. Our club originally went in 1,000 pound jumps between all classes starting at 2,500.Then several years ago added 2,000, 3,000, & 4,000 pound classes. Since then 3,000 has seen the most participation and is the most competitive class that we pull. Initially we had lots of pullers in 4,000 but that has waned while 4,500 remains very popular. We also tried a 5,000 pound class for a couple of years but last year it was also eliminated due to few hooks at this we now go in 500 pound jumps through 4,500 and we do 1,000 pound jumps after that. I'm not saying politics doesn't affect these types of decisions...I was one of the main proponents pushing for both 3,000 and 4,000 in our club as I had a couple of tractors that this really benefitted, but I didn't much care about the 5,000 as I do not pull that weight! KipWink

HANSEN'S OLD ORANGE IRON. Showing, Pulling, & Going!!

Posted By: blue924.9
Date Posted: 17 Jun 2013 at 12:31pm
you guys do it different than we do. as long as a person registers for a weight class we will do it. even if it is just one person, this being said we prolly only have 30 to 40 people who pull so we can do that. one thing I am mad about is the talk of farm stock pullers needing wheelie bars, I can see an open class tractor needing wheelie bars but not a farm stock tractor, as that would mean they would revoke the rule of a farm stock tractor pulling in open class

Posted By: Ken in Texas
Date Posted: 18 Jun 2013 at 7:12am

Our East Texas club and most of the clubs east of Dallas and over into LA are EDGETA branch members and those clubs who have sleds and put on pulling contests pull following the EDGETA insurance guidelines. Generally speaking we pull for the fun of it . It ain't blood and guts pulling.  It's just a opportunity for  the average antique tractor owner to hook up and just see what he can do aginst the others in his or her weight class.  Every club except the Paris club (not EDGETA) breaks the classes in 500 lb increments until they get well into the heavy tractors where the classes jump 1000 lbs.  I think it goes 6500, 7500, 8500 9500 ect. Maybe not quite that quick. There may be a 7000 class. Seems to work out better for the lighter tractors to jump just 500 lbs. Having  Farm Stock and Weighted (Comp) tractor divisions  in each weight class gives the guys and gals at least 2 opportunities to hook in each round. A farm stock tractor can pull in the weighted class without addng weights. 2nd gear is allowed in the weighted class. Stock bolt on factory Weights are allowed in farm stock classes.

Instead of eliminating a class they need to limit the number of times a family of 5 can pull the same tractor to 2 pulls in a class

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