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Freedom isn't free

Printed From: Unofficial Allis
Category: Allis Chalmers
Forum Name: Farm Equipment
Forum Description: everything about Allis-Chalmers farm equipment
Printed Date: 10 Mar 2025 at 5:36am
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Topic: Freedom isn't free
Posted By: Coke-in-MN
Subject: Freedom isn't free
Date Posted: 28 May 2011 at 9:05pm

Just figured it was a picture worth posting and to say thank you and a moment of silence for the many who have served with the ultimate sacrifice and to those others also who have spent the few or many years of their lives protecting the freedom we all sometimes take for granted. My time in the Navy was in peace time but others have seen the combat and the horrer of war close  and personal .

Faith isn't a jump in the dark. It is a walk in the light. Faith is not guessing; it is knowing something.
"Challenges are what make life interesting; overcoming them is what makes life meaningful."

Posted By: Ryan Renko
Date Posted: 28 May 2011 at 9:15pm
Whats the most disgracefull thing is that 18 veterans commit suicide everyday!!! We send humans out to do unhuman things were death is just around the next corner and when they return home and have to adjust to society again all they get is redtape from the VA!!!!!!!!! SHAME!!! Ryan

Posted By: Brian Jasper co. Ia
Date Posted: 28 May 2011 at 9:16pm
Thankyou to all who have served in the military.

"Any man who thinks he can be happy and prosperous by letting the government take care of him better take a closer look at the American Indian." Henry Ford

Posted By: acwdwcman
Date Posted: 28 May 2011 at 10:51pm
my cousin served in the national guard and was sent to iraq. his truck was blown up and 2 people in his unit deid. it is scary having family in there. tjanks to all who have served we can live in this country. without them there would be no allis chalmers because there wouldnt be a united states.

wd with a freeman model 90 trip loader, wd45, 38 unstylled wc, b 10 garden tractor and 2-14 ac trip plow. grandpa has a 56 wd45. wd. allis chalmers snap coupler blade and 3 bottom snap coupler plow

Posted By: Bob D. (La)
Date Posted: 29 May 2011 at 4:48am
I salute all vets, past, present, and future. May God keep them safe. God Bless.

When you find yourself in a hole,PUT DOWN THE SHOVEL!!!

Posted By: jaybmiller
Date Posted: 29 May 2011 at 6:07am
It's a humbling picture,especially when you know there's a LOT more white crosses in that you can't see.
Maybe ALL schools should have trips to local military cemetaries to show the them who paid the ultimate cost for their freedom.

3 D-14s,A-C forklift, B-112
Kubota BX23S lil' TOOT( The Other Orange Tractor)

Never burn your bridges, unless you can walk on water

Posted By: Hubert (Ga)engine7
Date Posted: 29 May 2011 at 9:25am
Far too many people think of Memorial Day just as a holiday to cook out, go to the lake or beach, etc. We all need to pause and remember the sacrifice of those who served and their families also. Freedom definitely is not free.

Just an old country boy saved by the grace of God.

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