WD45 Carb kit?
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Topic: WD45 Carb kit?
Posted By: 79fordblake
Subject: WD45 Carb kit?
Date Posted: 26 May 2011 at 9:32pm
I was wondering where is the best place to get a carb kit for my '57 Wd45? I don't want one of those cheap kits that come with half the stuff. I want everything, throttle shaft...etc.
It still runs and starts great but there is alot of slop in the throttle shaft and it runs a little rich and it doesn't respond much by playing with the screws.
I was looking at the online AC book and it doesn't show that there is any throttle shaft bushings? Just the packing and seals.
Posted By: Tedin NE-OH
Date Posted: 26 May 2011 at 9:37pm
Call Sandy Lake Implement and talk to them 1-888-252-0656. Very knowledgable people
Posted By: 79fordblake
Date Posted: 26 May 2011 at 10:03pm
Anybody have a scanned manual for the old Zeniths and Marvel Scheblers? I have been looking on ebay for a original with no luck.
Ive read on a few other sites that the bore of the carb where the throttle shaft goes wears more than the shaft does. Are there bushings available? I have a drill press to drill the bores and can put in bushings(unless they are to delicate to be tapped in with a hammer?)
Posted By: Steve in NJ
Date Posted: 26 May 2011 at 11:56pm
That is correct. The bores do wear out before the shafts do. We offer rebuilding services and offer carb kits. Our kits do not come with new throttle shafts. Most of the time they are not needed. When I rebuild carbs for our customer's, I mic the shaft and then bore the worn throttle bore and fit the shaft to the new bushing and bore. Some bores I can use our new Polyethelene sleeves in. Works nice... Most kits run around $31. bucks. Gives you all the parts you need except the throttle shaft. Steve@B&B