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Advice for Using 180 on PTO Equipment ???

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Category: Allis Chalmers
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Topic: Advice for Using 180 on PTO Equipment ???
Posted By: nsula_country
Subject: Advice for Using 180 on PTO Equipment ???
Date Posted: 25 May 2011 at 10:29am
I finally got the power director bugs worked out and the tractor runs out good. I hooked my Rhino 172 (6') cutter to the 180 yesterday evening. The 65 PTO HP on a 6' cutter is a different world compared to the 42 PTO HP Farmall I normally use.

My question is how to properly use a PTO driven piece of equipment on the "live" PTO on the 180? I am used to IPTO's that keep going even if you clutch. I know it has the PD, but when I shift it to neutral then to high or low it pulls the front tires off the ground at rated PTO RPM. If you clutch, then when you take off you have to get the PTO and transmission going, I feel this is hard on the engine clutch.

How do you operate your live PTO tractors mowing in conditions that you have to start and stop frequently? Do I need an ORC?


Posted By: bill2260
Date Posted: 25 May 2011 at 10:36am
Try cutting your rpm and ease the director lever not yank on it. Pick your cutter out of the grass until you get moving and then give it the throttle and lower your equipment. Been doing long time with 185 and wd, wd45. Bill

Posted By: 427435
Date Posted: 25 May 2011 at 10:37am
You should be able to ease the PD in without doing a wheelie.  Check the PD linkage and valve-----something is probably sticking.


B10 Allis, 917 Allis, 7116 Simplicity, 7790 Simplicity Diesel,
GTH-L Simplicity

Ignorance is curable-----stupidity is not.

Posted By: DrAllis
Date Posted: 25 May 2011 at 12:28pm
A quick shot of WD40 up inside the PD lever area on the detent mechanism makes the lever work easier. Then wrap your pinky and ring finger around the bar between the throttle and PD lever and "inch" the lever with your free fingers and thumb....they are smooooooth if you do it right.

Posted By: Rawleigh
Date Posted: 25 May 2011 at 4:16pm
Also an overriding clutch will make stops easier using the clutch as the cutter can freewheel.

Posted By: nsula_country
Date Posted: 25 May 2011 at 4:18pm
The detent for the PD lever was ROUGH when I got it. I have sprayed it generously with lubricant and it now works smooth, but stiff. Is there an adjustment for the spring and detent ball? It is very positive in its detent notches and requires force to move it.

This is my 1st Orange one. I came from the mechanical TA's on Farmalls. You shift those dry clutches like you stole it to prevent slippage. I did not know you can feather the Allis Chalmers PD clutches without clutch damage.


Posted By: Joe(OH)
Date Posted: 25 May 2011 at 4:50pm
Feather the heck out them.  They run in oil and you wont mess them up.

Life is simpler when you plow around the stump.

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