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Planter for a WD45

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Category: Allis Chalmers
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Topic: Planter for a WD45
Posted By: KC-WD45
Subject: Planter for a WD45
Date Posted: 24 May 2011 at 1:32pm
What would be a good conventional till planter for a WD45? I borrowed a IH 400 air planter last week to plant beans but of course had to use a different tractor because of the hydraulics. I would like to find a 4 or 6 row that would work well with my tractor. I'm sure I would have to modify it if I want hydraulic markers but what would be a good start. I saw a AC 333 six row that went for about $700 locally and I see plenty of the IH 400 air planters for about $500 but thought I would get some opinions. Right now I'm farming 20 acres but hope to pic up more in the future. By the way my beans are up!

Posted By: John (C-IL)
Date Posted: 24 May 2011 at 2:13pm
They are getting to be scarce, but a AC SC planter or a JD495 would be the planter of choice from that era. Most modern planters require more more hydraulics that the WD45 can supply. The next step up would be a JD1240 and then a JD7000. The advantage of the 7000 is hydraulic markers, but you may be taxing the hydraulic capability of the WD45.

Posted By: mattb
Date Posted: 24 May 2011 at 3:02pm
i use a d17 on a six row jd 7000 picks it up and handles it good i think a 45 would too.

Posted By: John (C-IL)
Date Posted: 24 May 2011 at 3:33pm
Originally posted by mattb mattb wrote:

i use a d17 on a six row jd 7000 picks it up and handles it good i think a 45 would too.
I had my WD45 with dual hydraulics hooked to my 6RN 7000, it wasn't pretty and all I wanted to do was pick it up which it eventually did. OTOH my D17IV handled the planter with ease.

Posted By: Roddo
Date Posted: 24 May 2011 at 4:01pm
I use an IH 56 4 row plate planter.  Its perfect since it has mechanical marker trips on chains.  Ground drive so no PTO to muck with.  I just took one hose off of the cylinder and vented it and it works great for me.  They can be had cheap cheap too.  Easy to work on and set up.

Posted By: AC WD45
Date Posted: 24 May 2011 at 4:31pm
If you ad an auxiliary tank to the pump and a second output remote with a shutoff valve on each, (shut one valve off to use one marker, the other for the other marker) I could see your 45 handling a planter with hydro remotes.

German Shepherd dad
1957 Allis Chalmers WD45
1951 Allis Chalmers WD

Posted By: mattb
Date Posted: 25 May 2011 at 8:02am
I by-passed the lift cylinders and used a small diameter cylinder and it almost picks it up to fast and its a series 1 tractor. I dont even have to downshift on the ends. Screwed a coupler where it goes to lift houseing so i can go  back and forth between useing lift cylinders and not.  Works better than i thought it would.

Posted By: mattb
Date Posted: 25 May 2011 at 8:03am
I mean lift arm cylinders.

Posted By: Steve M C/IL
Date Posted: 25 May 2011 at 9:45am
 I pull  6-30 JD 7000 with AC lift cylinder with WD45.Works well.Fliud or wts helpfull.

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