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h3 help needed

Printed From: Unofficial Allis
Category: Allis Chalmers
Forum Name: Farm Equipment
Forum Description: everything about Allis-Chalmers farm equipment
Printed Date: 09 Mar 2025 at 9:08pm
Software Version: Web Wiz Forums 11.10 -

Topic: h3 help needed
Subject: h3 help needed
Date Posted: 24 May 2011 at 9:06am
I have an H3 That I have been restoring. Recently when I have been using the H3 it operates just fine except the right track. It started to not work properly. I can run straight just fine. When I pull the right drive clutch and hit the brake I turn right like I should but the stick is harder to pull than normal. When I pull the left stick and hit the brake to stop it sometimes the right track stops as well. Some times it will work for a few seconds. It acts like it locks up. At times going up hill the right track stops  and only the left track is moving causing me to turn right. When I get up to a heavy push the left track moves and spins trying to push the pile but the right track stops. I am assuming the clutches in the right side are bad. I have never had them apart yet. I replaced the brake bands but did not remove the clutches. Any help or ideas would be great.

Thank you,

Posted By: Kipn
Date Posted: 24 May 2011 at 9:51am
Sounds like your steering clutches are not working properly, they're slipping. Dig into the right side final case. With no load they are good enuf, with the load of pushing, they slip.

1961 H3

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