OK guys, I need opinions
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Topic: OK guys, I need opinions
Posted By: LouSWPA
Subject: OK guys, I need opinions
Date Posted: 21 May 2011 at 2:05pm
WD-45, who lives outside year round, recently developed a bad case of water and/or antifreeze in the crankcase. Compression 145/138/145/140. The plugs in the head (there are only two, right?) are good. when I took the valve cover off there was water droplets mostly hanging on to the cover gasket.
head gasket? or, could it be worse?
------------- I am still confident of this; I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord. Ps 27
Posted By: Gary in Texas
Date Posted: 21 May 2011 at 2:30pm
I am helping a friend with the same tractor and same problem. Waiting on him to locate a cooling system pressure tester to try and see if the sleeves or block are leaking. I have the oil pan off, if he would get the test wouldn't take lone to see if either are the problem, and we have not eliminated the head gasket (yet).
Posted By: Lonn
Date Posted: 21 May 2011 at 2:31pm
First touch the water/antifreeze and then touch your tongue. You will know right away if it's antifreeze. Then we'll go from there. Your compression seems pretty good and even.
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Posted By: ToddSin NY
Date Posted: 21 May 2011 at 4:08pm
Sounds like condensation from sitting outside.
Posted By: Okiejohn
Date Posted: 21 May 2011 at 4:15pm
ToddS just posted my exact thoughts.
------------- Be sure you are right, then go ahead.--Davy Crockett
Posted By: Thad in AR.
Date Posted: 21 May 2011 at 4:31pm
Lou does it seem to be way over full in the crank case? I had a D14 that always had signs of water but it was just condensation. Are you low on water in the radiator?
Posted By: LouSWPA
Date Posted: 21 May 2011 at 5:05pm
Well guys, the crankcase is Waay over full, however, this evening, after I'm done cutting grass I had planed on changing the oil and seeing what happens thanks Oh, BTW, rad is low, but I can't tell how low
------------- I am still confident of this; I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord. Ps 27
Posted By: Thad in AR.
Date Posted: 21 May 2011 at 5:44pm
If it's been sitting a while the water should be on the bottom. Could it have gotten in throuugh the exhaust? rain caps don't stop it going around the pipe.
Posted By: jraymer2244
Date Posted: 21 May 2011 at 9:34pm
could be a freeze out plug under the valve cover.
Posted By: Teddy (punchie)
Date Posted: 22 May 2011 at 9:06am
Lou call me seven to four - four six to - five six seven nine
Just had a d-19 with water, had to change oil and filter about four times, just a few other things you can do, try. I have a few questions ? Teddy
------------- Ac D-19, a Number of WD's, One WD45, Two 444 balers, Ac plows and etc.
Posted By: LouSWPA
Date Posted: 22 May 2011 at 2:12pm
OK, Teddy Thanks. I changed the oil and filled the rad.....we'll see if that makes a difference
------------- I am still confident of this; I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord. Ps 27
Posted By: bigfish_Oh
Date Posted: 22 May 2011 at 2:33pm
all this rain put water in my '45 threw the muffler(not ran in 3 months)
------------- 1941 WC sat for 29 years,started & dynoed 27 h.p. 1957 WD45 Grandpa bought new,factory p.s.,added wfe 1951 WD, factory p.s. 1960 D14 HnMk IV BkHoe 4 sale 2014 HD Tri Glide 2009 GMC CC SLT Dually
Posted By: acjwb
Date Posted: 22 May 2011 at 2:44pm
If a lot of antifreeze in oil, could be the O rings on the bottom of the sleeves. Not a serious problem and not too hard to fix.
Posted By: Dave Everett
Date Posted: 22 May 2011 at 4:35pm
Id guess liner O rings gone bad....had it here last winter, anti freeze will finish them off once they get old.
Posted By: LouSWPA
Date Posted: 22 May 2011 at 9:29pm
Well O rings are my guess. I'm in the process of "inventing" a fitting to screw into the drain-cock port and pressurizing the water jacket. Drop the pan and see what's happening. If it's O rings, what the shortest rout to replacing them. Pull the head, remove rod caps, will the pistons come out the top? or will rings hang up on cylinder ridge?
every time I open an engine, mission creep sets in!
------------- I am still confident of this; I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord. Ps 27
Posted By: Teddy (punchie)
Date Posted: 22 May 2011 at 11:16pm
Lou I had to run a mix in he d19 to get it to clean out the oil and water mix. 4 filters and 4 oil changes later she is all clean, the mix was 1/2 diesel 1/2 oil only for 30 seconds. Had to let her set over night and drain it out what was still draining, about 10 more oz. can from the pan. Now this is what I thin happened. The water came from the muffler having a bad spot, down into an open valve. I'm that was it running her hard plowing and disking this week still Okay,on the looks of the oil.
------------- Ac D-19, a Number of WD's, One WD45, Two 444 balers, Ac plows and etc.
Posted By: Steve M C/IL
Date Posted: 22 May 2011 at 11:39pm
Use a Milton quick coupler male end with 1/4 npt and screw right in where block drain goes then connect regulator through hose to it.If your o-rings are bad,whatever pressure your cap holds will be enough to "show" the leak with the pan off. Scrape,emory,brush,remove ALL the carbon at the top of the sleeves.With enough wiggling,pushing(maybe light tapping)and some oil down the sides of cyl walls you should be able to get pistons out past ridge with out breaking any lands or rings.Richard would probably give em a light honing,clean everything up and slap er back together.You can get away with a lot on these old birds.After all the work cleaning up the block bores you may get to thinking "Maybe I'll just put new parts in".
All this depends a lot on how much use you think you'll use it.Mission creep got me last year on my 45.Bout 2 grand in the engine and I did most of the work.
Date Posted: 23 May 2011 at 2:06am
lou...tarps don't cost much!
Posted By: Dave Richards (WV)
Date Posted: 23 May 2011 at 1:54pm
I knew a guy that put a bird house over the top of his muffler to keep the water out. Told everybody that the barn shranK.