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D17 Series III (Gas)

Printed From: Unofficial Allis
Category: Allis Chalmers
Forum Name: Farm Equipment
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Topic: D17 Series III (Gas)
Posted By: jkrecek
Subject: D17 Series III (Gas)
Date Posted: 20 May 2011 at 4:55pm
Two questions.  First, I need to replace the pivot bushing which the wide front end slides into, the manual calls for 2 different ones.  One is for a regular front end and the other bushing is for a heavy duty wide front with a "width" of more than 50 inches.  My front end is adjustable so where do I measure from to determine which bushing I need?  My serial # 71764.  Both are still available from the Agco dealer.
Second, is there anyone that is making the pivot pin that slides into the above bushing.  Its not available from the dealer anymore.  Mine is worn pretty bad, I cut it off the front axle and the best I can come up with is take it to a machinist to make one once I figure out what bushing I need.  Any help or comments will be appreciated.

Posted By: EdIL
Date Posted: 25 May 2011 at 7:43pm
Hi Jason,
   You need the bushing for the adjustable wide front (part#233368).  The pivot pin (part#229068) was available about 4 months ago from my dealer.  Ask yours to search other dealers to find one.  It was pricey - $160.  If you decide to have one made, (out of square bar stock), have the machinist drill a 3/16 inch hole all of the way through length ways and tap the rear of the pin for a grease zerk.  This will allow you to grease the pivot.     Ed

Posted By: jkrecek
Date Posted: 25 May 2011 at 9:38pm
Thanks for the info.  I went and had one made, but I forgot to have the whole drilled for the grease fitting.  I'll have to get that done before I put it back together.  I ordered both bushings from the dealer, they will let me return the one I dont need.  Thanks again for the info.  On a side note, I broke down and purchased a bridgeport and a metal lathe, so now I will make my own parts.  I just have to learn how to use this stuff

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