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WD won't start

Printed From: Unofficial Allis
Category: Allis Chalmers
Forum Name: Farm Equipment
Forum Description: everything about Allis-Chalmers farm equipment
Printed Date: 09 Mar 2025 at 8:44am
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Topic: WD won't start
Posted By: Embellem
Subject: WD won't start
Date Posted: 20 May 2011 at 1:16pm
MY WD died very abruptly plowing snow this past winter and I'm now getting around to fixing it. It didn't sputter or anything like that, just completely stopped, like turning off the ignition switch, only I didn't hit the ignition switch.

Knowing it probably needed some electrical things replaced back from when I bought the tractor a couple of years ago, a week ago I replaced the spark plugs, spark plug wires, magneto rotor, points, and condenser. It still doesn't start and isn't getting any spark.

I know I need to go through it again and make sure I've got the things I replaced set up correctly. But beyond rechecking all the things I listed above, is there anything else I should consider?

Posted By: DaveKamp
Date Posted: 20 May 2011 at 1:43pm
If you're not a well-tempered magneto tech, I'd suspect that the mag isn't quite set up right. 

Since you've verified that there's no spark, my recommendation is to pull the mag and take it to a mag technician (every area has that ONE guy who's really good with mags), have it gone through, then reinstall it properly (it is timed), and give it a whirl.

Posted By: Steve in NJ
Date Posted: 20 May 2011 at 2:06pm
Before yanking the Mag out, if you have a toggle or push/pull switch you're using up near the driver area for a Mag kill, disconnect the switch and see if it starts. Sometimes those switches go bad from the elements and it'll be grounded all the time... HTH
mailto:Steve@B&B - Steve@B&B

Posted By: CTuckerNWIL
Date Posted: 20 May 2011 at 8:59pm
If you have a kill switch like Steve is talking about, disconnect the wire from the mag, then you know it's not shorted out somewhere in between the mag and the switch.

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Lena 1935 WC12xxx, Willie 1951 CA6xx Dad bought new, 1954WD45 PS, 1960 D17 NF

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