Need D10 help
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Topic: Need D10 help
Posted By: VANDAL
Subject: Need D10 help
Date Posted: 19 May 2011 at 8:19pm
I recently acquired an Allis D10 gas. This tractor was my grandfather's and it's been sitting for about 8 years (under a shed, not out in the elements). In any event, it was running fine when it was parked. I have put in a new battery, points, and condensor, and plugs. I am not getting any fire to the plugs. I have voltage at the coil, but no spark. I get a slight discharge through the cap when turning the key off and on. It turns over great. I have tried the original coil, a coil that I had as a spare, and a brand new one. Any help would be greatly appreciated
Posted By: Jeff Z. NY
Date Posted: 19 May 2011 at 8:26pm
Check the points again and make sure they are gapped right {0.022} and are opening and closing properly.
If that checks out try changing the cap and rotor.
Posted By: Bill Long
Date Posted: 19 May 2011 at 8:33pm
Congraulations on your D-10. They were some of the last tractors we sold. Good unit. I really can't help too much with electrical things. When I fixed them I used to do points, plugs, condensor, rotor, and cap. Electric is funny. It will take the easy way out not always where you want it to go. There is a "short" somewhere. You may check the rotor and cap. sometimes such a small item as a crack can cause problems. Also, a dumb thing as a rotor will not carry current.
In any event our electrical expert is Steve B&B. You can contact him he may be able to be of service.
Let us know how it goes. I know you will enjoy the D-10 when you get it running. We sold one to Ft. McHenry in Baltimore for snow plowing. Did a real good job too.
Good Luck!
Bill Long
Posted By: Chris/CT
Date Posted: 19 May 2011 at 8:44pm
Your key switch may be bad, try a working it on/off a few times while cranking, see if that get's any pop out of it.
Posted By: VANDAL
Date Posted: 19 May 2011 at 8:49pm
Thanks guys, I'll try a new button tomorrow, I forgot to list the new cap. and Bill, this was my grandfathers favorite of all his tractors, and there is no telling how many hours this thing has logged. I also received a disk, plow, all the cultivating feet, and a corn planter. I'm definitely quite ecstatic about having this tractor. I can't wait to get it running and start using it again. Over the winter I'll have to at least re-ring it, the 3rd cylinder is burning a little oil, and I plan to pulll the transmission down because it jumps out of 3rd gear sometimes. But other than those minor issues, I couldn't be happier about having it.
Posted By: allisorange
Date Posted: 20 May 2011 at 6:28am
Sometimes the new points are no good. On are gas combine we put new ones in and they were no good. Parts man gave me a better set and we were good to go.
John Carlson
Posted By: David(Stockbridge)MI
Date Posted: 20 May 2011 at 7:26am
------------- All "NEW" Web Site
2035,A,U,UC,WF unstyled,WF styled,WC High Crop (cane),RC,B,IB,C,CA,WD,WD45,G,D10,D12,D14,D15,D15 II,D17,D19,WC styled,WC unstyled H3 crawler
Posted By: GregLawlerMinn
Date Posted: 20 May 2011 at 8:50am
Since you have voltage to the coil and have a good coil, the problem is inside the distributer (points, condensor, rotor, and/or cap). A worn down battery can also turn the starter but not have enough to power the points.
------------- What this country needs is more unemployed politicians-and lawyers. Currently have: 1 D14 and a D15S2. With new owners: 2Bs,9CAs,1WD,2 D12s,5D14s,3D15S2s, 2D17SIVs,D17D,1D19D;1 Unstyled WC
Posted By: Steve in NJ
Date Posted: 20 May 2011 at 8:51am
Chris/CT made a good point. When the "D" series came along, the Ignition switches that were used for that particular wiring system was to light to handle the load the system was capable of making. Also check your connections at the Ignition switch. Look for green corrosion around the push-on terminals. If it exsists, that's where your problem will be...
mailto:Steve@B&B - Steve@B&B
Posted By: Goose
Date Posted: 20 May 2011 at 9:14am
Sounds like your points are not making good contact, and that is why you get spark when you turn off the switch. Then it is being grounded so the spark occurs. First, turn the engine so the points are closed, then double up some emery cloth and move it between the points. Then open the points and squirt some electrical contact cleaner to wash off the points. I'm betting there's some oily residue on the points, preventing the points from grounding.
Posted By: VANDAL
Date Posted: 20 May 2011 at 10:15pm
I got it fired up today. The new condenser I got was bad out of the box. I replaced that one with another new one and it fired up almost immediately. Thanks for all the help guys.