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Printed From: Unofficial Allis
Category: Allis Chalmers
Forum Name: Farm Equipment
Forum Description: everything about Allis-Chalmers farm equipment
Printed Date: 09 Mar 2025 at 9:17am
Software Version: Web Wiz Forums 11.10 -

Posted By: Steve M C/IL
Date Posted: 18 May 2011 at 11:32pm
I don't like change! They messed with the website.Some things are an improvement maybe but I haven't yet figured how to make the illustration LARGE.Used to be able to click "print" and get LARGE view as well as pt#'s down below. My rant for now!
I can make it big but you have to move the page all around to see different areas.GRRR!

Posted By: Fred in Pa
Date Posted: 19 May 2011 at 6:54am
Thank them that you can still veiw the parts book.

Posted By: Bill Long
Date Posted: 19 May 2011 at 7:23am
Thanks for this post.  I was able to get the parts book but could not get the pictures.  Now I get the parts book and the pictures - however small.
It is on my favorates list.
Thanks again.
Good Luck!
Bill Long

Posted By: Brian Jasper co. Ia
Date Posted: 19 May 2011 at 8:32am
It took me a while to figure out where the pics were too. The nice thing is I didn't have to guess where the list for a 160 rotary mower was.

"Any man who thinks he can be happy and prosperous by letting the government take care of him better take a closer look at the American Indian." Henry Ford

Posted By: wbecker
Date Posted: 19 May 2011 at 8:49am
Do any of you use the site with a password from your AGCO dealer? Or do you use it as a "Guest"? Is there any difference in using as a guest or with a password?
The site says to ask you dealer for the password, I asked them and they said they didn't know what I was talking about.
Bill B

Allis B, IB, Low B, G, D10, JD M, 8KCAB, C152

Posted By: Larry(OH)
Date Posted: 19 May 2011 at 9:11am
its probably Massy's fault

'40 WC puller,'50 WD puller,'50 M puller '65 770 Ollie


I can explain it to you, BUT I cannot understand it for you!!

Posted By: ACscott
Date Posted: 19 May 2011 at 9:26am
Thank you AGCO for making the parts for for my 30-40 year old tractors.

Posted By: Mike R. in Maine
Date Posted: 19 May 2011 at 9:28am
By going in as a guest you see everything short of pricing. By having a login , it gives you pricing. Mike

Posted By: Tramway Guy
Date Posted: 19 May 2011 at 9:30am
I have tried to get my local AGCO dealer (Walldroff's) to get me a password.  They won't do it.  And a complaint to AGCO got nowhere, either.

Posted By: Clay
Date Posted: 19 May 2011 at 9:42am
Try a different dealer.

Posted By: Dale-OH
Date Posted: 19 May 2011 at 9:48am
By logging in with Password you are supposed to be able to see if the dealer who set you up has the part, price, and also click to order it from the dealer.  We have around 20 customers with passwords and id say 50 or so just using the guest.  I dont know of any who use the benefits of having there own password.  Most still look up part and call or email in with part numbers and ask price and availability.  Most dealers do not update there inventory to AGCO regularly, we try to do ours 1-2 per month which is where you would get your price and availability on AGCO

Posted By: Kcgrain
Date Posted: 19 May 2011 at 12:27pm
I will agree the new site sucks, compared to the way it was. Why is it that everybody thinks change is such a good thing???

Posted By: David(Stockbridge)MI
Date Posted: 19 May 2011 at 12:59pm
I have had a login and password for a couple years, it won't give me prices or let me find a dealer with the parts, just the part number and a picture.

All "NEW" Web Site

2035,A,U,UC,WF unstyled,WF styled,WC High Crop (cane),RC,B,IB,C,CA,WD,WD45,G,D10,D12,D14,D15,D15 II,D17,D19,WC styled,WC unstyled H3 crawler

Posted By: GlenninPA
Date Posted: 19 May 2011 at 1:04pm -

Good judgment comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgment.
From listening comes wisdom and from speaking comes repentance.
Wise men learn more from fools than fools from the wise.

Posted By: MilesGray (CO/KS)
Date Posted: 19 May 2011 at 1:20pm
Interesting that I can't find anything older than a CA in the Parts book... Though the local dealer I use can get most of the parts I need... Schmidt and Sons in Winfield, KS...

Miles Gray (CO/KS)

5 1938 B's, 1940 B, 1944 WF C, 1948 NF C, Gleaner A, White Top Rotobaler, 1957 IH Golden Jubilee... I'm either a collector, or crazy!

Posted By: Fellenz
Date Posted: 19 May 2011 at 3:29pm
I just spent a minute checking out the updated site. Right now I haven't found anything that seems to not be the same or an improvement.

It seems like they have moved on from SVG graphics and can now be accessed from different browsers and not just IE with the SVG plugin. IMO this is a huge plus as I can now search for parts from any computer without having to worry about having the correct plugins, etc...

I like it!

Posted By: wbecker
Date Posted: 19 May 2011 at 3:42pm
Agco could do much better. I restored a green one, because it was in my wife's family for 50 years and she raked hay on it at 9 years old.
I can go to the JD site and get good pictures and price and availability, and a drawing of the part with dimensions and weight!

Allis B, IB, Low B, G, D10, JD M, 8KCAB, C152

Posted By: JoeO(CMO)
Date Posted: 19 May 2011 at 4:53pm
I went to Agco Parts;  a little different, had to download Microsoft Silverlight, then went to illustrated parts breakdown and a little bar popped up at the top of picture area with small detail same as before.  I clicked on the + tab and it zoomed in, better than before.
The did a good job with the update.


Posted By: Don(MO)
Date Posted: 19 May 2011 at 6:04pm

I had a hard time getting through it but it will get better for me with more time on the site. lol


3 WD45's with power steering,G,D15 fork lift,D19, W-Speed Patrol, "A" Gleaner with a 330 corn head,"66" combine,roto-baler, and lots of Snap Coupler implements to make them work for their keep.

Posted By: Ryan Renko
Date Posted: 19 May 2011 at 9:10pm
As acscott said, I'm glad I can get most parts for a tractor that is 60 years old!!!! Ryan

Posted By: EPALLIS
Date Posted: 19 May 2011 at 9:34pm
Agreed, as long as AGCO can get me parts on a 60 year old tractor, I'm not going to complain.  Beggars can't be choosers.  Going orange is going great!

Posted By: Ryan Renko
Date Posted: 19 May 2011 at 9:37pm
I wonder if you will get parts for a Kubota 60 years from now?? Ryan

Posted By: Fred in Pa
Date Posted: 20 May 2011 at 6:13am
You can not look up ANY PARTS for Kubota  on line !!! and you complain about Agco chaging something BUt can still look up your own parts ! WOW !!!

Posted By: Fred in Pa
Date Posted: 20 May 2011 at 6:29am
Just checked it out ,I have dealer log .No problem.Looked up parts for WC -WF,typed it in search bar up it came.

Posted By: DonDittmar
Date Posted: 20 May 2011 at 7:01am
Those parts books are handy when I am at work looking up parts on the high speed net and getting ready to order from Sandy Lake. At home with Dial-up I use the oem parts books I bought off of EBAY

Experience is a fancy name for past mistakes. "Great moments are born from great opportunity"

1968 D15D,1962 D19D
Also 1965 Cub Loboy and 1958 JD 720 Diesel Pony Start

Posted By: Lonn
Date Posted: 20 May 2011 at 7:03pm
Doesn't work on my Mac but the PC laptop works. Prefer to use my Mac if I could.

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I am a Russian Bot

Posted By: Wil M (NEIA)
Date Posted: 20 May 2011 at 8:20pm
I guess some people will compain if their free ice cream is to cold. I just went to the link Glenn posted.  Looks no different than before but it is a lot friendly to use than before.  Thank AGCO that they are still supporting any of the old equipment. 

"Yet there are soulless men whose hand and brain tear down what time will never give again." Anderson M Scruggs

Posted By: AC WD45
Date Posted: 20 May 2011 at 8:51pm
I seem to be able to zoom just fine. Notice the toolbar?

German Shepherd dad
1957 Allis Chalmers WD45
1951 Allis Chalmers WD

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