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Printed From: Unofficial Allis
Category: Allis Chalmers
Forum Name: Farm Equipment
Forum Description: everything about Allis-Chalmers farm equipment
Printed Date: 08 Mar 2025 at 7:13pm
Software Version: Web Wiz Forums 11.10 -

Posted By: tmiller
Date Posted: 17 May 2011 at 7:45pm
bought my first allis on saturday.  I think its a C but could be a CA, the engine is stuck but most of it is there, just needs work, i cant decide if im going to keep or sell or part out, so if someone wants it or a piece if it just ask.
Also if someone knows the year from the # please let me know
also i have no idea why someone painted it red...

Posted By: Tedin NE-OH
Date Posted: 17 May 2011 at 7:50pm
Based on the looks of the rear wheels it looks like a C.  Quick way to tell, a C is 3 speed tranny whereas a CA is 4 speed tranny. Serial no. is at base of gear shift lever. With that we can tell you what year.

Posted By: allis restorer
Date Posted: 17 May 2011 at 7:50pm
That looks like it has to be a C, I know its not a CA. Steve

Go orange or Go home!!

Posted By: CTuckerNWIL
Date Posted: 17 May 2011 at 7:51pm
It's a C. CA had a platform under the seat, monroe style seat, power shift rear wheels and a straight drawbar hung from the lift arms for the pin hitch and hung from a yolk for the Snap Couple set up.
 You can also look at the tractor number stamped next to the shifter. It will start with the model and read Cxxxxxx. That is your serial number.

-------------" rel="nofollow -
Lena 1935 WC12xxx, Willie 1951 CA6xx Dad bought new, 1954WD45 PS, 1960 D17 NF

Posted By: CTuckerNWIL
Date Posted: 17 May 2011 at 7:55pm
The CA also had (most of em anyway) a hand clutch between the differential and the right side final drive, wd style hydraulic pump with traction boost system, yes and 4 forward speeds.

-------------" rel="nofollow -
Lena 1935 WC12xxx, Willie 1951 CA6xx Dad bought new, 1954WD45 PS, 1960 D17 NF

Posted By: wkpoor
Date Posted: 17 May 2011 at 9:29pm
Your missing some key parts there hehehhe. Wasn't that one here just a day or 2 back being pointed out for a CL ad.

Posted By: tmiller
Date Posted: 17 May 2011 at 9:33pm
its in a CL ad for $350, you think thats a good price? someone told me it was worth that in scrap.  What does it weigh?

Posted By: junkman
Date Posted: 17 May 2011 at 9:35pm

l -

Posted By: Tedin NE-OH
Date Posted: 17 May 2011 at 9:36pm
Round numbers 2000lbs

Posted By: se iowa picker
Date Posted: 17 May 2011 at 9:55pm
That looks like it would be a nice fixer upper. Make a person feel pretty good when you can save one from the melt pot and make it a running usable tractor again. I would say buy it,fix it, and enjoy it.

Posted By: Brian Jasper co. Ia
Date Posted: 17 May 2011 at 10:53pm
I'll bet it looks worse than it is. No rear wheels and the front rims bad makes it really look bad. From what I can see, the tin really isn't all that that bad. Pull the radiator and drop  by the local sandblaster. Prime and tear into it.

"Any man who thinks he can be happy and prosperous by letting the government take care of him better take a closer look at the American Indian." Henry Ford

Posted By: dave63
Date Posted: 18 May 2011 at 6:13am
Congradulations on your first AC. I just bought a c with a big hole in the block but i have another engine. most tractor finds this old need wheels and tires. I see tractors being parted out on Ebay all the time you could probably find some of what you need there. You are up there near B Equipment they should be able to help you with parts but if they can't we are only about 40 mile southeast of you.

The universal answer to all questions is yes, how much do you want to spend?

Posted By: DaveKamp
Date Posted: 18 May 2011 at 9:19am
It isn't painted red-  that's the patina that the original orange paint fades to after about 50 years of weather... somewhere between purple, pink, and red.

Biggest problems I see offhand... lack of wheels makes it hard to move around (I like to make 'em roll first, and use other tractors to move 'em round the shop), but lack of exhaust says it may have been left uncovered in the weather.  One fender missing, but otherwise looks like the sheetmetal is all fairly good... not dented up.  There's a boot on the shift lever, and the filler looks well-oiled and undisturbed, so I'm thinkin' the transmission probably doesn't have much water in it...

At that price, I'd agree with Brian-  Get some rolling wheels under it, take a pressure washer to it, blast off the crud, dry it out, and get to work.  If the motor is stuck, but the rest is spinning, find a running motor to slap in so you can get it operational, then blast and paint it... and put the stuck motor in an engine-stand for winter project.

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