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7060/7080 what size finisher.

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Topic: 7060/7080 what size finisher.
Posted By: victoryallis
Subject: 7060/7080 what size finisher.
Date Posted: 15 May 2011 at 10:02am
How big of a soil finisher can a 7060 or 7080 handle? Got both looking at a finisher.

Posted By: AaronSEIA
Date Posted: 15 May 2011 at 10:49am
Dad was overheating his 7060 with a 24' field cultivator.  I'd guess about that big or a bit smaller.  I think finishers pull hard.

Posted By: Dans 7080
Date Posted: 15 May 2011 at 11:35am
I have a 7060 and 7080 (Both at 210hp). I pull a 26ft disk and 24ft field cultivator with either one of them with very little trouble. Id say 22 to 24ft would be a good match on a finisher.

Posted By: Mark(MO)
Date Posted: 17 May 2011 at 7:19am

I think you will find a soil finisher will pull harder than a disk or field cultivator. It needs to be pulled a little faster in order to do a good job. That being said, I had a neighbor who pulled a 32 ft JD 980 field cultivator for years with his stock 7080. I would think you could handle a 22 to 24 ft finisher. Just my opinion.

Question: Since both your 7060 and 7080 are turning 210 hp, can you tell any difference between the two in the field? Will the 7080 still out lug the 7060?

Posted By: Kcgrain
Date Posted: 17 May 2011 at 9:26am
Pulled a 30ft Field cultivator with a 7060 for years and had 0 problems pulling it, so using that as a guide Id say 24 in a finisher.

Posted By: Harold (MID MI)
Date Posted: 17 May 2011 at 9:33am
Rule of thumb on a soil finisher is 10 hp per foot of width.

Posted By: Dans 7080
Date Posted: 17 May 2011 at 12:35pm
Mark, You cant really tell much of a difference in them but I wouldnt consider it a fair comparison. The 7080 has 20.8-38s, no fluid and a lower gear ratio in the rear end. The 7060 has 18.4-38s and fluid. Either one will handle either implement with no trouble, but if I had to pick the one that will "out do" the other the 7060 would out do the 7080. The 7060 will also use quite a bit less fuel. I can run 2 good days on a tank of fuel, the 7080 is about a day and a half.

Posted By: 7060
Date Posted: 17 May 2011 at 3:20pm
We pull a 24' Great plains Discovator, which has straight discs on the front then cultivator sweeps then harrow. We use our New Holland 8970 to pull it 210hp and FWA and it will stop it in its tracks at 4" deep. It just depends on how deep you want to pull the finisher. My 7060 is at 192 hp and I can get about 5 1/2 to 6 hours on a tank. I dont have the aux. tank on the right side, but I have to fill up again in a day.

Posted By: Andrew(southernIL)
Date Posted: 18 May 2011 at 12:11am
Id say it depends on your dirt but if weighted out the the 7060 should handle a 25 ft. Know some guys that bought a 25 ft land oll till oll from a guy and he said he pulled it with a 150 horse Case. They tried it one day with their 4840 and had some troubles but it was a little wet and too much debris and the tractor has no weights or fluid and biased tires. Oh and lets not forget green paint.

If fishing is a sport your looking at an athlete

Posted By: BobHnwO
Date Posted: 18 May 2011 at 4:27am
I pull 24' field cult.with 9" sweeps and 3 bar harrow with my 7060PS,with dual Firestone Radials,usually more problem with traction than with power.

Why do today what you can put off til tomorrow.

Posted By: 7060
Date Posted: 20 May 2011 at 10:49pm
We broke a steering cylinder end on our 8970 today and had to hook my 7060 on the discovator to finish the field. I just thought Ide say it wanted no part of that thing. I pulled it in 3rd gear of my power director, didnt pull it near as fast as the 8970 and was spinning constantly. Sure looked good on there though. We got the field done right before the rain.

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