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Drill markers

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Category: Allis Chalmers
Forum Name: Farm Equipment
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Topic: Drill markers
Posted By: Central WI AC guy
Subject: Drill markers
Date Posted: 14 May 2011 at 10:55pm
Hi all, I am thinking about puting markers on my grain drill to help prevent over-lap or missing spots, also thinking about using it for beans. I'm thinking hyd. control to choose which marker is down? Maybe a valve that would switch from side to side when the drill is raised? Any input would be appreciated. Thank you, Jim

Posted By: Ryan Renko
Date Posted: 15 May 2011 at 8:58am
If you really want to help out your planting maybe there is a easier fix. Back in the 70s we fabricated a bracket on the front of the tractor and had something like 1" black iron pipe that would extend out each side. On the end of each length of pipe a chain would hang down within about 6" from the ground. As you planted you would just keep the chain dangling above the previous last row planted. Worked great. We used it for no till but it should work for anything. Just a suggestion. Ryan

Posted By: John (C-IL)
Date Posted: 15 May 2011 at 9:32am
Yep, I'm with Ryan on this one, A pipe on the front is the easiest. If you tie a window weight to the pipe it will make a pretty good mark for you to drag the opposite side in on the return pass.

Posted By: Adam Stratton
Date Posted: 15 May 2011 at 5:00pm
We went to a lot of work to put the hydraulic markers off an AC planter on to our 24' great plains drill.  Even though it seemed simple enough, something about the way the hydraulics worked on the drill and the way they worked on the makers didnt get along and we had nothing but trouble with them.  I dont think we even tried to use them after the first year.  The pipe with a chain or piece of hose or belt works real well.  We used that set up as "training wheels" for me until I was able to gauge the difference by sight.  

Posted By: michaelwis
Date Posted: 15 May 2011 at 5:07pm
GO GPS . you will     never look back ........ 

WD WD45 DIESEL D 14 D-15 SERIES 2 190XT TERRA TIGER ac allcrop 60   GLEANER F 6060 7040.and attachments for all Proud to be an active farmer

Posted By: Ryan Renko
Date Posted: 15 May 2011 at 8:05pm
We used it for no till and it worked really great and pretty cheap to make.

Posted By: Rawleigh
Date Posted: 16 May 2011 at 2:24pm
Here is the valve you need. -

Posted By: Central WI AC guy
Date Posted: 18 May 2011 at 12:47am

Thank you everyone for your suggestions. Rawleigh, that's exactly the valve I was looking for. I think markers would work better for me, I don't always use the same tractor on the drill.

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