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Dumb Magneto Question...

Printed From: Unofficial Allis
Category: Allis Chalmers
Forum Name: Farm Equipment
Forum Description: everything about Allis-Chalmers farm equipment
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Topic: Dumb Magneto Question...
Posted By: GBACBFan
Subject: Dumb Magneto Question...
Date Posted: 14 May 2011 at 4:13pm
I'm sure this has been covered many times, but...
If I carefully remove the mag, mark the tang location on the impulse coupling, DO NOT turn the engine over, and then reinstall the mag as it was removed, will the timing be exactly as it was before the mag was removed?

"The trouble with quotes on the Internet is that you can never know if they
are genuine." - Mark Twain

Posted By: Leon B MO
Date Posted: 14 May 2011 at 5:01pm
If you turn the mag at all it could be out of time, every half turn of the coupler, one of the plugs fire so you could be 2 off if you don't know which plug fires next. Before you take the mag off get #one piston coming up on the compression stroke. Then you know which plug will fire next. Then when you put your mag back on make sure that the plug that is getting ready to fire is #one. I put the mag in the vise and put a wire and plug in #4(grounded to vise), turn the coupler until it fires on #4. When installed on the tractor #one should fire next. Hope this helps.
Leon B MO

Uncle always said "Fill the back of the shovel and the front will take care of itself".

Posted By: GBACBFan
Date Posted: 14 May 2011 at 5:06pm
Leon, that does help a lot, thank you. I appreciate the help.

"The trouble with quotes on the Internet is that you can never know if they
are genuine." - Mark Twain

Posted By: Gary in Texas
Date Posted: 14 May 2011 at 5:21pm
Someone should recheck firing order, 1,2,4,3??
3 fires just before 1 ??

Posted By: MNLonnie
Date Posted: 14 May 2011 at 6:02pm
1 2 4 3 is right unless you're working on a G or something else without an Allis motor.

Waukesha B, B, IB, G, styled WF, D15, 615 backhoe, 2-Oliver OC3's, 4 Ford Model T's, 3 Model A Fords, AV8 Coupe, AV8 Roadster, 1933 Ford Wrecker

Posted By: Wil M (NEIA)
Date Posted: 14 May 2011 at 6:14pm
Originally posted by Gary in Texas Gary in Texas wrote:

Someone should recheck firing order, 1,2,4,3??
3 fires just before 1 ??
That is right but you achieve that order by putting the plug wire from number 4 cylinder in the 3rd hole of a mag or distributor and the plug wire from number 3 cylinder in the 4th hole of the mag or distributor.  A mag or a distributor turn in a circle and will always fire 1234 in the direction that they turn.

"Yet there are soulless men whose hand and brain tear down what time will never give again." Anderson M Scruggs

Posted By: MACK
Date Posted: 14 May 2011 at 10:22pm
Just take the small cap off back just after impulse, mark rotor if engine is not turned, replace mag  with rotar at same place you are back in business.  MACK

Posted By: Leon B MO
Date Posted: 15 May 2011 at 7:32am
Yep what Wil said, I wasn't talking about the firing order of the tractor, but the firing order of the mag. If one of the hole fires, the next hole will fire next even though the holes are not numbered they follow each other around the circle, 1 2 3 4 or 2 3 4 1 or 3 4 1 2 or 4 1 2 3 reguardless of where  you start. I can't get real technical, just trying to explain it in a way that makes sense to me.  Now I'm scrathing MY head.
Leon B MO 

Uncle always said "Fill the back of the shovel and the front will take care of itself".

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