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200 Allis inj. pump problem??

Printed From: Unofficial Allis
Category: Allis Chalmers
Forum Name: Farm Equipment
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Topic: 200 Allis inj. pump problem??
Posted By: AaronH
Subject: 200 Allis inj. pump problem??
Date Posted: 11 May 2011 at 11:24pm
My 200 is experiencing some issues. It starts fine. But runs like crap. Sounds kinda spitty when its running like a miss. Last fall it would now and again drop rpms and lose power when using it,  Now.. the crankcase is overfull, and the oil is thin from diesel.   It does blow some light blue smoke, most likely from the diesel in the oil??  It will run out of power just going up a small hill on the road and die.  It will not start right back up until I use the hand primer on it. The last time I had a fuel starvation issue with it, it would act similar to the power and rpm loss, but would not even tach up past 1800, now it will however tach up to 2500 rpms. yup all fingers point at a flow restriction, but where is the diesel in the oil comming from? Is this the gov ring problem in the pump showing itself? The tractor has Almost 7000 hrs and the pump has factory twist locks on it yet. any thoughts? Thanks.

Posted By: HagerAC
Date Posted: 11 May 2011 at 11:32pm
The shaft seals are bad had the same thing happen on my 180 and that is why the crankcase is overfull most likely.  As for power loss and stalling out, it may be due to the flex ring deterioration as most commonly it is. It is clogging the return with little black pieces of rubber from the flex ring. Also had this happen on my 180.  Had the pump rebuilt and runs beautifully now. I would say with 7000 hours it is time for it to be rebuilt.

30+ A-Cs ranging from a 1928 20-35, to a 1984 8070FWA, Gleaner R52

Posted By: DrAllis
Date Posted: 12 May 2011 at 6:10am
7000 hrs is PAST time for a complete inj pump overhaul.

Posted By: injpumpEd
Date Posted: 12 May 2011 at 6:30am
flex ring pieces plug return, housing pressure goes up high enough to either just kill the tractor(housing pressure and transfer pressure equalize)and or lose power, and it ends up blowing the driveshaft seal. The smoke is probably due to the dilution, as well as just being so over full. Let me know if I can help with pump work. Ed. 

210 "too hot to farm" puller, part of the "insane pumpkin posse". Owner of Guenther Heritage Diesel, specializing in fuel injection systems on heritage era tractors. stock rebuilds to all out pullers!

Posted By: MACK
Date Posted: 12 May 2011 at 7:35am
May have some bad injectors causing it to run poor. A tip blown off a injector will also put fuel in oil. Sounds like time for pump and injectors both rebuilt.   MACK

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