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Amount of R-134 for 6060

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Category: Allis Chalmers
Forum Name: Farm Equipment
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Topic: Amount of R-134 for 6060
Posted By: Eddie
Subject: Amount of R-134 for 6060
Date Posted: 10 May 2011 at 9:59am
Went to use the tractor yesterday and found the AC completely out of freon. Put 4 cans of R134 while watching the low side pressure, the highest pressure it ever got to was 12 psi. Turn the engine off and it would take 30 minutes for the pressure to equalize at about 100 psi. Start engine back up and it immediately pulls low side to 10-12 psi. I was wondering if the expansion valve might be stuck?

Allis Chalmers 6060
10' Howse Rotary Cutter
5' Tiller
5' Box Blade
4' Aerator
Ferris Zero Turn Mower W/10' fold up sprayer
John Deere 455 Lawn Tractor
John Deere 955 w/loader &
60" belly mower

Posted By: dave63
Date Posted: 10 May 2011 at 5:39pm
What is your head preasure ???? the system probably doesn't take more than 3# You need to now your Head preasure and you need the Preasure temp chart that is in the service manual 134A will run about 10% higher head preasure than R12. also if your gas is gone it went someware. You have a leak and just adding gas will not fix the leak. and yes you could have a blocked expansion valve or a clogged drier.

The universal answer to all questions is yes, how much do you want to spend?

Posted By: Brian Jasper co. Ia
Date Posted: 10 May 2011 at 6:26pm
Do you have a manifold gauge? If you don't, you need one or take it to an A/C shop. It depends on the type of system you have as to what the low side pressure should be. 10 to 12 psi would not be bad for a thermostatic switch system with a thermal expansion valve (TXV). A plugged expansion valve will pull the low side low or into a vacuum. The high side will be low as well. That may sound backwards, but that's how it works.
I take it you added refrigerant and it still isn't cold? Another thing is air in the system is like letting the ice cubes melt in your Iced Tea. Air dilutes the refrigerant. If you put the proper amount of refrigerant in the system with air, the pressures will be high on both sides.
Best thing that can be done is recover the system, evacuate, and recharge the correct amount. Right now, you can look for leaks with a soapy water solution. If there is grease buildup on the compressor, good chance the compressor shaft seal or a case seal is leaking. If you don't have acess to a vacuum pump, you won't be able to recharge it.

"Any man who thinks he can be happy and prosperous by letting the government take care of him better take a closer look at the American Indian." Henry Ford

Posted By: Eddie
Date Posted: 10 May 2011 at 6:57pm
It sat all winter without starting and it was empty when I got it out. I did pull a vacuum on it before trying to charge it, I put some red die in it to help locate leak and the 134 I used has stop leak in it. Yes I have manifold gauges and I used to work on industrial AC units. I have a leak detector but the battery is dead and I haven't been anywhere to get one. I have an expansion valve ordered so that will probably be what I'll try next.
The high side port is turned against the engine where I can't get a line on it to read the head pressure. I have another type hose I'll try to get on it tomorrow.

Allis Chalmers 6060
10' Howse Rotary Cutter
5' Tiller
5' Box Blade
4' Aerator
Ferris Zero Turn Mower W/10' fold up sprayer
John Deere 455 Lawn Tractor
John Deere 955 w/loader &
60" belly mower

Posted By: Eddie
Date Posted: 19 May 2011 at 12:14pm
Found that the stop leak had stopped up the dryer, could not blow thru it. Replaced dryer, pulled vacuum and charged with R-12. Cools good now.

Allis Chalmers 6060
10' Howse Rotary Cutter
5' Tiller
5' Box Blade
4' Aerator
Ferris Zero Turn Mower W/10' fold up sprayer
John Deere 455 Lawn Tractor
John Deere 955 w/loader &
60" belly mower

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