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7020 Allis

Printed From: Unofficial Allis
Category: Allis Chalmers
Forum Name: Farm Equipment
Forum Description: everything about Allis-Chalmers farm equipment
Printed Date: 06 Mar 2025 at 7:15am
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Topic: 7020 Allis
Posted By: mnjoe
Subject: 7020 Allis
Date Posted: 07 May 2011 at 9:18pm
I;m having trouble with the indictator lights. I have power to the circuit board but my oil pressure light and trans oil pressure light will not come on when I turn on the key. The alternator comes on..The other 2 light come on as soon as I push the starter like they should. I'm thinking of adding mech. oil pressure gauges. What kind of pressures will come off the transmission line..if I tee off of the sending unit? Thanks

Posted By: MACK
Date Posted: 07 May 2011 at 10:13pm
Are the bulbs good in the two that don't come on? The circuit board also goes bad.

Posted By: mnjoe
Date Posted: 07 May 2011 at 10:28pm
The bulbs are good. Using my meter i read power off of the wiring harness..butnot on the board.  Had to resolder the bulb holder. Cleaned up the contacts. I'd like to add gauges to see what I have for pressures. Thanks

Posted By: mnjoe
Date Posted: 08 May 2011 at 9:02am
Lost power from the transnission oil pressure to the circuit parts book shows the sender up front under the radiator. I have a early 7020 did they move it? Maybe my eyes just can't see it. Found 2 sending units behind the small fuel tank. The wire colors don't for what I'm looking for. Thanks

Posted By: Lynn Marshall
Date Posted: 08 May 2011 at 9:39am
Power director tractor tranny filter and sending unit are under radiator.Power shift tractor tranny filter is on right hand rear in canister.Power shift tranny sending unit is screwed into an elbow fitting,between main fuel tank and tranny housing.It's a little tricky to see,but can be replaced with proper tools.Also,there is no power or voltage thru the wire.It just provides the ground to make the circuit.Same way for the engine oil pressure too.

Posted By: mnjoe
Date Posted: 08 May 2011 at 9:52am
Thanks...I bought this tractor used. I bought a manual and started to read about the transmission pressure light should come on. It did last year. Thanks for telling me about the location. I can run a new wire to the circuit board....did it..that now works...The engine oil pressure won't work on the board. Might just add a light socket. Thanks again I found my answers

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