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7060 remotes

Printed From: Unofficial Allis
Category: Allis Chalmers
Forum Name: Farm Equipment
Forum Description: everything about Allis-Chalmers farm equipment
Printed Date: 06 Mar 2025 at 3:53am
Software Version: Web Wiz Forums 11.10 -

Topic: 7060 remotes
Posted By: 7060
Subject: 7060 remotes
Date Posted: 06 May 2011 at 1:18pm
 I am trying to speed my hydraulic remotes up on my 7060. Ive turned the dial under the seat but they still arent as fast as I think they should be. Is there anything else that could need adjusted or could be modified?

Posted By: BobHnwO
Date Posted: 06 May 2011 at 3:03pm
The handle under the seat is for only 1 set of remotes,the other is adjusted from behind the cab,refer to manual.

Why do today what you can put off til tomorrow.

Posted By: 7060
Date Posted: 06 May 2011 at 9:18pm
Im actually adjusting them from behind the cab since I pluged off the holes under the seat. I just wondered if there is something else that could be causing them to operate so slow. My 7050 is faster than this tractor.

Posted By: DrAllis
Date Posted: 06 May 2011 at 9:31pm
The LONG side of the roll pin handle needs to be straight down on ALL valves (2 or 3).  If it's a black belly tractor, remove the 3/8" stop bolt that the hydraulic levers hit inside the console to give them more stroke....linkage gets worn and stroke gets limited to the raise side.

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