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Marvel Schebler TSX464

Printed From: Unofficial Allis
Category: Allis Chalmers
Forum Name: Farm Equipment
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Topic: Marvel Schebler TSX464
Posted By: deereequipment1
Subject: Marvel Schebler TSX464
Date Posted: 02 May 2011 at 3:26pm
Hey there.

My WD45 won't run without the choke being half on.
I've had the tractor for a few weeks, and tried cleaning out the main jetm but it didn't help.

This tractor actually has a LeRoi D201 engine, no thermostat, and just won't run properly. The choke actually has to run about 60% on, and have tried adjusting the two jets, but they don't seem to improve where the choke needs to be.

Any suggestions?

Posted By: deereequipment1
Date Posted: 02 May 2011 at 3:34pm
The carb adjustment sheet says adjustments shouldn't be made until the engine is at operating temperature, and the choke is wide open.

Well.......with no thermostat, I can't get to operating temp, and with the choke wide open, the tractor shuts off.


LeRoi folks, any suggestions?
My 2 port water manifold has no thermostat housing built into it.
I have another manifold off another tractor, that I could install, but I'm not sure if this LeRoi is suppose to operate without a thermostat.

Posted By: deereequipment1
Date Posted: 02 May 2011 at 3:57pm
OK, I just pulled off the smaller Zenith carb that was on an old WD that has been sitting (inside) for 12 years. My tractor fired right up, and runs great. So now I know its a carb issue.

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