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Snap Coupler Blade

Printed From: Unofficial Allis
Category: Allis Chalmers
Forum Name: Farm Equipment
Forum Description: everything about Allis-Chalmers farm equipment
Printed Date: 04 Mar 2025 at 10:27pm
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Topic: Snap Coupler Blade
Posted By: 1953CA
Subject: Snap Coupler Blade
Date Posted: 01 May 2011 at 10:18am
I need some help either finding the lift arms or making some for my blade that I just bought.  Does anybody have a pair they would sell or get the measurements for me to make some?
Thanks in Advance

1945 AllisCletrac / 1948 "B" / 1953 "CA" / 1955 "WD-45" / 1963 "D-15 Series II"           

"No Air Support without Ground Support"

Posted By: Chris/CT
Date Posted: 01 May 2011 at 2:18pm
Do you have the manual for the blade? I may have reprint of one if you need it, good pictures/info that would be helpful to you. I assume you have the cross brace section that is bolted to tongue. The lift links are just flat steel pieces bolted with clevis at top. I assume you have lift latches on your lift arms. I think the CA is slightly narrower on width, cant remember how people deal with that, I think I have read they drill a different hole for the quick pint to locate in. They don't refer to the "CA" in manual for this implement, I think the engineers must have thought it was much for the CA. I do have a few parts kicking around here for blade if you need anything.

Posted By: 1953CA
Date Posted: 01 May 2011 at 2:22pm
I dont have the manual for it, if you could send me one that would be great.  Paper or electronic?  A few pictures would be good also, Most of the bolts are loose and need to be replaced, are the bolts that hold the blade edge on easy to get?

1945 AllisCletrac / 1948 "B" / 1953 "CA" / 1955 "WD-45" / 1963 "D-15 Series II"           

"No Air Support without Ground Support"

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