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D 19 wheel removal-new way

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Category: Allis Chalmers
Forum Name: Farm Equipment
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Topic: D 19 wheel removal-new way
Posted By: den/southern illinoi
Subject: D 19 wheel removal-new way
Date Posted: 30 Apr 2011 at 5:36pm
While going thru the D 19 diesel that I got a couple months of the problems I encountered was being able to move the back wheels.  I have the specialty bolts to remove the wheel bushing (or really push the wheel center away from the wheel bushing) but a previous owner must have damaged the threads in the wheel center.  To overcome this he re tapped the  wheel center to a 3/4 size and drilled out the wheel bushing so the 3/4 bolt would go thru it.  This made my removal bolts worthless.  We tries the usual things but no good.  I then got the idea that I could use our skid loader with hydraulic jackhammer to "tap" the wheel center loose from the wheel bushing.  The jackhammer is equal to something like a 300 pound sledge hammer.  The point on our jackhammer is dulled to about the size of a baseball so is pretty blunt.   Well we did it today, picked up the rear of the D 19 with a forklift, removed the three holding bolts and "tapped" the wheel center loose from the wheel bushing.  Took about 2 seconds.  Of course not we had to change the sheel center to get back to original but at least the worst was over with what I call my really, really, really big f___hammer. 
By the way, I am lucky enough to be in a business that has a skid steer and jack hammer but if needed...there are a lot of these around and if a guy needed to do the same as I did...I would think that you could get your local contractor with the same equipment to stop by and tap yours off for you for a reasonable fee.  Den


Own 4 wheel 20, 2-5015, 5020 and associated equipment and 2 electric forklifts.

Posted By: cwhit
Date Posted: 30 Apr 2011 at 5:50pm
Den, where did you put the j-hammer on, the wheel, or the axle? Sounds like a better option than beating on them with a BIG hammer for half a day. ( been there done that )

Posted By: den/southern illinoi
Date Posted: 30 Apr 2011 at 6:02pm
I put it on the wheel center.  Moved it right over.  Den


Own 4 wheel 20, 2-5015, 5020 and associated equipment and 2 electric forklifts.

Posted By: Burgie
Date Posted: 30 Apr 2011 at 6:58pm
Hey Den, No such thing as overkill.


Posted By: den/southern illinoi
Date Posted: 30 Apr 2011 at 7:37pm
You're right there Burgie!  The first side took a little time as we had to change the center out to get it back to the original set up.  The second side took 20 minutes to jack up, knock loose, clean all the mating surfaces, anti seize the H--- out of all the surfaces and re bolt and drive off.  Nothing like "more power" to make things easy.  Den


Own 4 wheel 20, 2-5015, 5020 and associated equipment and 2 electric forklifts.

Posted By: Lonn
Date Posted: 01 May 2011 at 6:51am
Great thinking. How's it go......necessity is the mother of innovation. I just made a mental note. I hope I don't forget where the note is the next time I have trouble moving wheels.

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Posted By: Dave in il
Date Posted: 01 May 2011 at 10:06am

I know I never have the camera around when I do something like that, but I would have loved to seen a few pictures. LOL

Posted By: darrel in ND
Date Posted: 01 May 2011 at 12:13pm
interesting concept, Darrel

Posted By: den/southern illinoi
Date Posted: 25 May 2011 at 9:19pm
Bring it back from the past, this is the way I got mine to move.  Den


Own 4 wheel 20, 2-5015, 5020 and associated equipment and 2 electric forklifts.

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