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D17, Was there ever any doubt?

Printed From: Unofficial Allis
Category: Allis Chalmers
Forum Name: Farm Equipment
Forum Description: everything about Allis-Chalmers farm equipment
Printed Date: 04 Mar 2025 at 10:19pm
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Topic: D17, Was there ever any doubt?
Posted By: Toneman1
Subject: D17, Was there ever any doubt?
Date Posted: 30 Apr 2011 at 11:27am
Not that this means much to a lot of people, but this morning my neighbor came over and wanted toknow if I could pull his truck out as he had buried it in the back yard.  I said I would try, and as my John Deere 870 was sitting in front I tried with that pulling straight from the front of the truck.  There was so much groundwater fron the recent storms, I almost buried it.  So I went back and got the D17 Diesel, I hooked up to the rear of the truck from the side.  Needless to say I never spun a tire and pulled the truck out sideways, even on level ground the truck would not do anything but spin, so I just kept pulling till I had him out in his front yard.  What a fine tractor that is, maybe I need to sell the "green" guy.  I will have to admit there is a big difference in horsepower and weight.  I can't wait to hook up the new plow to the D17.

Don't worry about the mule going blind, just load the wagon.

Posted By: Sitesstables
Date Posted: 30 Apr 2011 at 11:55am
Good D17.. I ad my series IV gas out in about a foot of mud pulling mud away from the barn the other day. Never spun a wheel and pulling all that mud with a grader blade. They are tuff tractors.. I vote you sell the green since the orange is so Mean!

1965 D17 Series IV

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