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Can WD aux Hydraulics handle JD 495a planter?

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Category: Allis Chalmers
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Topic: Can WD aux Hydraulics handle JD 495a planter?
Posted By: hardwood61
Subject: Can WD aux Hydraulics handle JD 495a planter?
Date Posted: 29 Apr 2011 at 9:33pm
I am looking a buying a John Deere 495a corn planter that has all the options, it looks huge and I was wondering if my WD would be able to handle the lifting of it if I put an auxiliary lift cylinder on it.  I think it will do ok as far as pulling it ... but maybe that is an issue too.  Have never used a corn planter before and only plan on planting 10-15 acres per year so I don't have a clue if this is going to work or not.

Posted By: Rfdeere
Date Posted: 29 Apr 2011 at 9:41pm
   As long as nothing is wrong with your WD, it will lift it and pull it.

Randy Freshour,Member Indiana AC Partners," rel="nofollow -

Posted By: Denis in MI
Date Posted: 29 Apr 2011 at 9:59pm
It will be slow to lift if it has a standard hydraulic cyl on the planter, at least that has been my experience.
Hope that helps,

1938 B, 1945 B, 1941 IB, 1949 C, 2 1938 WCs, 3 1950 WDs, 1951 WD, 2 1955 WD45, 1957 D-14

Posted By: Gerald J.
Date Posted: 29 Apr 2011 at 11:13pm
And the standard JD cylinder in the 495 days was not rated for 2250, more like 1250 psi so the small volume high pressure WD might break it.

I've planted 6 row corn and beans with a cyclo alleged planter with a MF-135. The tractor needed more weight to handle that planter, running the blower took considerable PTO HP too. More recently I planted with a JD 4 row 7000 planter and the 135 handled it with ease. I throttled back to 1500 RPM (max working speed 2250 rpm) and shifted gears up to get the desired 4.7 or 5 mph. The last time I also carried a three point sprayer and put down 32% along side the rows notill, still I kept the throttle way back at 1500 or 1600 rpm. Just a fast idle. Didn't work the tractor hard at all. I think the 495 will pull easier and that its a lighter weight planter than the 7000.

Gerald J.

Posted By: BobHnwO
Date Posted: 30 Apr 2011 at 7:18am
Make sure you use a high pressure cylinder!

Why do today what you can put off til tomorrow.

Posted By: John (C-IL)
Date Posted: 30 Apr 2011 at 7:25am
Back in the day, 1960-1975 or so we used that combination on the farm. You do need the high pressure/low volume cylinder for the planter to lift at the desired speed.

Posted By: hardwood61
Date Posted: 30 Apr 2011 at 9:00am

Posted By: hardwood61
Date Posted: 30 Apr 2011 at 9:04am
Somewhere I read about using the left lift cylinder for auxiliary hydraulics - I am guessing the connection to the planter would need to be modified but otherwise would this work?  Not sure about the hose setup - would one just add extensions to the existing ones?  I would not be using the lift arms anyway so that would not be a problem.  

Posted By: JoeO(CMO)
Date Posted: 30 Apr 2011 at 9:07am
the AC hp cylinder will lift it


Posted By: hardwood61
Date Posted: 30 Apr 2011 at 9:18am
Anybody have ... or know of any pictures of an auxiliary hydraulics setup on a WD?  There is nothing in the owners manual that I have that says anything about setting something like this up - either with the AC lift cylinder or using a totally independent cylinder.  

Posted By: Steve M C/IL
Date Posted: 30 Apr 2011 at 10:26am
AC used 2 sizes of remote rams.I used the larger size to replace the 2-way cyl on my JD 7000 6-30 which I pull with my WD45.Works well.Marker cylinder hasn't failed yet!

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