Help With SC Planter
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Topic: Help With SC Planter
Posted By: Northern Star Farm
Subject: Help With SC Planter
Date Posted: 23 Apr 2011 at 12:17am
I have followed the forums for quite some time, but this would be my first post, unfortunately for help! I have a 4 row snap coupler plow, I am assuming from the 50's that I would like to use. It has been kept in good shape, but have no idea how to set it up. I also can't find a manual on ebay etc for this old of a model. Can anyone offer any advice on my situation? It looks like a pretty simple machine, but I am sure there is a trick to it. If you are in MO and have one of these and don't mind a Allis guy dropping by for a few pointers, that would be great too!
I will be pulling it with a D-15.
Posted By: Rfdeere
Date Posted: 23 Apr 2011 at 12:29am
Planter or plow ?
------------- Randy Freshour,Member Indiana AC Partners," rel="nofollow -
Posted By: Northern Star Farm
Date Posted: 23 Apr 2011 at 12:32am
It's a 4 row planter, the earlier style with no rubber tires.
Posted By: JoeO(CMO)
Date Posted: 23 Apr 2011 at 6:06am
Look for a 2 row Drill Planter manual. The 4 row is covered in this manual.
Posted By: Kraig (WI)
Date Posted: 23 Apr 2011 at 6:16am
They are pretty simple machines. Make sure you match your seed size with the right planter plate. Other than that, you should be able to learn by doing.
Have fun with it.
------------- 7010,D17D,WD45,WD,WC,WC,B,
Gleaner K,60,66,72
Posted By: Northern Star Farm
Date Posted: 23 Apr 2011 at 6:46am
Thanks for the replies...
Is there a series or model number associated with these old planters where I could make sure I get the right manual, if one could be found?
Posted By: JimWenigOH
Date Posted: 23 Apr 2011 at 6:52am
Do a search on eBay for "allis planter" and I'm sure you will find a photo/manual for your particular model.
Posted By: Northern Star Farm
Date Posted: 23 Apr 2011 at 7:07am
The only manual I can find is for a four row "mounted" planter, manual is from the 60's, is this similar?
Posted By: Wil M (NEIA)
Date Posted: 23 Apr 2011 at 7:31am
It is known as a Rear Mounted Drill Planter. The cover will show a WD or D series tractor with a 2 row planter on the back. This manual covers the 4 row also, which is basically two, 2 row planters mounted on a frame.
I do not see the operators manual on ebay right now but there is a parts manual for the Drill Planter. -
This is a picture of my 2 row. If you look at your planter, you will notice that you have 2 of these mounted on a "tool" bar.
------------- "Yet there are soulless men whose hand and brain tear down what time will never give again." Anderson M Scruggs
Posted By: Northern Star Farm
Date Posted: 23 Apr 2011 at 7:33am
Yep, that's the one..
I will keep my eye out for one, and maybe get some field corn and do some practice runs as well.
We are planting sweet corn this year, so I was hoping to avoid costly mistakes, seed isn't the cheapest!
Posted By: Chad(WI)
Date Posted: 23 Apr 2011 at 7:46am
I have a spare operators manual if you need one....complete and used, but the cover is loose. Let me know if your interested.
Posted By: Don(MO)
Date Posted: 23 Apr 2011 at 7:52am
Eric, I sent you a PM, call me sometime. or just come by. Like Joe and Wil said the four row is covered in the two row drill planter book. I have two books.
------------- 3 WD45's with power steering,G,D15 fork lift,D19, W-Speed Patrol, "A" Gleaner with a 330 corn head,"66" combine,roto-baler, and lots of Snap Coupler implements to make them work for their keep.
Posted By: Don(MO)
Date Posted: 23 Apr 2011 at 7:56am
Here's a shot of one of my two row planters. Don
------------- 3 WD45's with power steering,G,D15 fork lift,D19, W-Speed Patrol, "A" Gleaner with a 330 corn head,"66" combine,roto-baler, and lots of Snap Coupler implements to make them work for their keep.
Posted By: Wil M (NEIA)
Date Posted: 23 Apr 2011 at 8:29am
Northern Star Farm wrote:
Yep, that's the one..
I will keep my eye out for one, and maybe get some field corn and do some practice runs as well.
We are planting sweet corn this year, so I was hoping to avoid costly mistakes, seed isn't the cheapest! |
Do you have seed plates? These are a plate planter and you will need seed plates that are close to the size of seed you are planting.
------------- "Yet there are soulless men whose hand and brain tear down what time will never give again." Anderson M Scruggs
Posted By: Northern Star Farm
Date Posted: 23 Apr 2011 at 9:53am
Yep, I have bunches of plates, I probably need to figure out which one is which.
Don, I replied to your message and thanks so much...
I am looking forward to using this if it ever stops raining here!
Posted By: Don(MO)
Date Posted: 23 Apr 2011 at 10:11am
Just got back online and I didn't get your PM try you might it again.
------------- 3 WD45's with power steering,G,D15 fork lift,D19, W-Speed Patrol, "A" Gleaner with a 330 corn head,"66" combine,roto-baler, and lots of Snap Coupler implements to make them work for their keep.