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WTB wheel bolts (studs)

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Topic: WTB wheel bolts (studs)
Posted By: Lonn
Subject: WTB wheel bolts (studs)
Date Posted: 22 Apr 2011 at 7:13am
Who here sells them and what is the best price you got? I need knurled studs that are about 2 5/8" long measured from under the head to the end. 3/4" fine thread. The knurled area on mine is, from the head, about 11/16". From the head to the beginning of the thread is about 1 1/16". The knurled diameter is about 7/8". Total length is about 3". Need 12 studs and 18 heavy duty wheel nuts. Would I be better off to go to the local Case dealer or Agco dealer to avoid the added shipping costs? Thanks for your trouble.

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Posted By: BobHnwO
Date Posted: 22 Apr 2011 at 8:08am
Might try NAPA.

Why do today what you can put off til tomorrow.

Posted By: Lonn
Date Posted: 22 Apr 2011 at 8:22am
Thanks. I'll call them this afternoon but generally I find NAPA to be over priced. I'm gonna try Fastenal today too. Case dealer wants over $12 a piece! AGCO dealer didn't stock any. Won't even bother with the CAT dealer. I bought 3 grd 8, 3/4" x 7" regular bolts and they cost me over $50. Took them without looking at the bill and used them. Guess cause they say CAT on them they are better than anyone else.

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Posted By: Gerald J.
Date Posted: 22 Apr 2011 at 8:36am
McMaster-Carr is a good bolt source. Wants $9.94 for those 3/4 x 7 hex head bolts in coarse thread.

Sometimes buying a supposed high quality bolt from the lowest priced supplier is bad economy. There are numerous Chinese and Indian bolt makers using scrap metal of unknown quality and marking them GR 5 and GR 8 though they are dead soft made of hardened chewing gum. Those made for CAT just might be the quality they claim. Those from the $2.79 a pound bolt bin have to be questioned. Your health may depend on the bolts being good, especially wheel studs.

McMaster is at, likes to think they are selling to a company, but sells by phone and internet if you have a credit card. They don't have wheel studs.

NAPA's collection of wheel studs tends more towards car and trucks than tractors so they might not have the 3/4 studs, but they are worth checking. The price at NAPA depends on who you are. Johnny off the street gets full mark up, their regular commercial customers get the best prices for the same merchandise.

Gerald J.

Posted By: Gerald J.
Date Posted: 22 Apr 2011 at 8:40am
That McMaster bolt price is for fine thread.

Inland Truck parts may be a good source for wheel studs and big bolts.

Gerald J.

Posted By: Lonn
Date Posted: 22 Apr 2011 at 8:51am
I only want USA made bolts.

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Posted By: Gerald J.
Date Posted: 22 Apr 2011 at 10:35am
Then you have to pay more.

Check Baum Hydraulics catalog section F for big wheel studs, also Shoup. and

Gerald J.

Posted By: Lonn
Date Posted: 22 Apr 2011 at 11:18am
Gerald, I will pay if I have to but if someone else has them cheaper and still USA made that's what I want. Less than 10 years ago when I was at the Case dealer those bolts were about $4 each. Now they are $12. Are they even made here? They didn't know. It's just frustrating to pay that high price.

I'll check out those sites you gave. Thanks

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Posted By: Lonn
Date Posted: 26 Apr 2011 at 6:07am
Got bolts. When I got home and got the proper measuring tools and discovered the few studs that came with these hubs I bought were wrong in the first place then walla problem solved. The size I needed was a 7/8" knurl with a 5/8" fine thread and around 2 1/2" long give or take. Little over 3$ a piece at local tire dealer. 

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