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some cylinder head modifications

Printed From: Unofficial Allis
Category: Allis Chalmers
Forum Name: Farm Equipment
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Topic: some cylinder head modifications
Posted By: wi50
Subject: some cylinder head modifications
Date Posted: 19 Apr 2011 at 7:54am
I put some pictures up on another forum, and I'd like to share them here for the Allis guys.
Here's a 4" tall 226 head that I re worked and moved the intake port up, you can see the original outlined in one picture by a yellow paint marker.  I set the head at an angle in the mill and rolled the mill head at another angle.  Went in and cut out the original port and built a new one.  It may be hard to make out in the pictures but the port has much better allignment with the valve bowl and I tried to get a picture of what it looks like looking into the cylinder.  The port walls and floor are a nice sweeping radius to the valve bowl.  There is a vane in the center to split the charge and keep my volume and velocity as uniform as possiable.  I slid a wrench through the port and through the valve bowl into the cylinder area to show the allignment.
It's not finished yet, but pretty close.  We've done a lot of testing and re shapeing, more testing and on and on to try and find what is going to work best.
I still have to modify the exhaust ports.
There isn't enough material left to hold the intake guides so I'm makeing a guide plate from billet to bolt to the top of the head where I milled it.  All the guides and spring pockets will be machined in a plate and fastened to the original casting.
I'm also working on a new 8 port head.  The 2 head bolts are on each side of the original intake port will be moved to the center.  There's a water port in the heads there but nothing in the block, nice solid place to put new studs re located, which allows room for some raised intake ports.  I had a head cast at a local foundry from an original and have been working on my port design now and then in another piece and getting some help from a fella who's done this for 35 years.  I'll get some pictures of the project up in the future. 

"see what happens when you have no practical experience doing something...... you end up playing with calculators and looking stupid on the internet"

Posted By: wi50
Date Posted: 19 Apr 2011 at 8:06am
Here's some pictures of a 3" Leroi head.  I cut access holes on the top of the head, outlined by the paint marker aloong with the original water port.  I blasted the area clean around the valve bowl fronts and outside the intake runner through the access holes and original water ports on top and bottom of the head.  I then packed the area with a putty to seal it up and give something to cut into when I cut through the original cast and into the water jacket. 
I then cut a nice sweeping radius into the valve bowl from the head bolts back, outlined by the paint marker.  I drew on an original head with a marker where the original port is and where the new one is.  The wrench in the picture is passed through the intake port, through the valve and into the cylinder area to show the allignment of the new port.  There is also a wedge fabricated in the center to divide the port in order to keep the area and velocity as uniform as it can be within what we have to work with.
SOrry the pictures turned out so large, someday I'll figure out how to get them sized correctly

"see what happens when you have no practical experience doing something...... you end up playing with calculators and looking stupid on the internet"

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