720 Starter Noise
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Topic: 720 Starter Noise
Posted By: Larry Miller
Subject: 720 Starter Noise
Date Posted: 17 Apr 2011 at 9:19am
I have a 720 with a starter that really makes a lot of noise when cranking. I have a couple others with varying degree of crank noise. Some loud and one that sounds what I call normal. Anyone know what causes this and a fix ?? Thanks, Larry Miller
------------- I used to be young and stupid, now I am not young anymore.
Posted By: den/southern illinoi
Date Posted: 17 Apr 2011 at 10:29am
Larry, We have been thru this problem having 4 720's of my own and a buddy with one. It seems to be in the proper alignment of the starter. We now make sure we test run the starter with the engine out of the tractor so we can adjust it until just right. When aligned correctly, the sound will go to normal. Den
------------- Own 4 wheel 20, 2-5015, 5020 and associated equipment and 2 electric forklifts.
Posted By: Larry Miller
Date Posted: 17 Apr 2011 at 1:16pm
Den - What adjustment ? All I saw was 2 bolts - is their shims or some other alignment that I didn't look for ? I really didn't pay too much attention when installing the starter - just tightened up the bolts. OH boy, the engine has to come out again. I bet I've done that a dozen times for various operator error reasons. Thanks, Den
------------- I used to be young and stupid, now I am not young anymore.
Posted By: den/southern illinoi
Date Posted: 17 Apr 2011 at 1:59pm
Larry, Sorry about the engine removal. The last time I had to remove one ad replace it...only took about 25 minutes each way. There are a couple tricks we learned. The main trick is to remove the pulley on the rear of the motor rather than to fight the belts on and off of the pulley. This saves a bunch. As far as shims, etc....no, there is enough (or maybe that should be too much) slop in the holes that we found out you can not just bolt it on. You have to test fire it to see if you have it right. Hope this helps. Den
------------- Own 4 wheel 20, 2-5015, 5020 and associated equipment and 2 electric forklifts.
Posted By: Larry Miller
Date Posted: 17 Apr 2011 at 7:22pm
Thanks Den - I will give it what for and tell it you said so - two of us should get er done.
------------- I used to be young and stupid, now I am not young anymore.