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Sentimental tractor pictures!

Printed From: Unofficial Allis
Category: Allis Chalmers
Forum Name: Farm Equipment
Forum Description: everything about Allis-Chalmers farm equipment
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Topic: Sentimental tractor pictures!
Posted By: R.W
Subject: Sentimental tractor pictures!
Date Posted: 15 Apr 2011 at 4:14pm

I want to see pictures of those tractors that you will never sell or really want back and there is a special place in your heart for. And also if you would tell the story behind the tractor and why its so special I would love to hear it! I will get pics tommorow of mine.

Hope to see lots of pictures and stories!

In Search Of: 1958 Allis Chalmers D17 Diesel serial #9643D

Posted By: Gary in da UP
Date Posted: 15 Apr 2011 at 4:34pm
This would be mine
I pulled this tractor for a couple years,  It was a great 3500 lb puller. I gave 3 dozen trophies to Special Olympics last year, most of them this tractor brought home over 2 seasons.

Posted By: JoeM(GA)
Date Posted: 15 Apr 2011 at 7:14pm
This is my wife's great-grandfathers WC, that's her Father and brother riding it before my wife & I were born. Never off the family farm until it came to stay at my house

Allis Express North Georgia
41 WC,48 UC Cane,7-G's,
Ford 345C TLB

Posted By: ChuckLuedtkeSEWI
Date Posted: 15 Apr 2011 at 7:56pm
This would be my sentimental tractor.   My dad's 45 diesel.   He gave it to me when I asked him for a tractor when we bought our farmette.   I could have had this one or his John Deere 730 diesel.   I got this one as my grandpa worked at AC in West Allis, and I thought my brother would be mad at me because he and my other grandpa fixed up the John Deere way back when.  
This tractor my dad bought used from Strupps Implement in Slinger, WI.   They got it in on trade in and did an overhaul on it.   Somewhere along the line they took the pump off and couldn't get it running again as they had the timing off.   My dad talked to his father in law, my grandpa Fred Mavis who worked at AC.   He told him they were good tractors and he went and talked to one of the head diesel mechanic who's took a piece of paper and sketched out how the tractor's pump should be mounted with timing marks etc. lined up properly.  
So my dad went to the dealership and asked how much they wanted for it.   They told him it didn't run.  He said, I know, how much.   They gave him a good price to get rid of it, and my dad agreed.   Came over with a bucket of tools.   Pulled off the radiator and got all the marks lined up properly, got it running and drove it home the same day.    My dad had a three bottom plow for it, and also used to have a few AC corn planters.   Years later he mounted a New Idea two row picker/sheller on it that we torched off and scrapped out.  
This is a picture of me and my two girls with "Fred" at the county tractor pull two years ago.   I have fun with it, but have never placed better then fourth.    This will be the last AC item that ever leaves my place and I hope someday one of my daughters will be able to pass it on to one of their kids, and tell them that it was their great grandpa's tractor and that their great great grandpa worked at Allis Chalmers for 42 years.  

1955 WD45 diesel 203322 was my dad's tractor, 1966 D15 23530, 1961 HD3 Crawler 1918, 1966 D17 IV 83495, 1937 WC 41255, 1962 D19 6221

Posted By: GBACBFan
Date Posted: 15 Apr 2011 at 8:14pm
Let me add a few feet to memory lane for you, Chuck.
W. A. Langenecker (more recently Strupp) 1921+
Strupp Implement in Slinger, WI 1990's?

"The trouble with quotes on the Internet is that you can never know if they
are genuine." - Mark Twain

Posted By: ChuckLuedtkeSEWI
Date Posted: 15 Apr 2011 at 8:23pm
Larry, it still looks the same.

1955 WD45 diesel 203322 was my dad's tractor, 1966 D15 23530, 1961 HD3 Crawler 1918, 1966 D17 IV 83495, 1937 WC 41255, 1962 D19 6221

Posted By: 7060
Date Posted: 15 Apr 2011 at 9:55pm
This tractor has been in the family for 30 years, and was the biggest one on the farm till the late 90's. When something was stuck or needed pulled you got the 60.

Posted By: Kev Card
Date Posted: 16 Apr 2011 at 12:07am
 This is my faveriot tractor,It was my grandads first tractor It's been in the family since it was a year old I've had it for 34 years now and my grandfather owned it for 34 it was about a year from the time grampa passed till grama gave it to me.On it in the picture is my wife Mary on the RC a few years back when i Bought her new tires for my tractor for Christmas , Damn i've got a good natured wife

RC,WC,2 C'S,WD45,185 ,618 LT

If it's orange and rusty Mary don't trust me

Posted By: DanD
Date Posted: 16 Apr 2011 at 3:23am
I would have to put two tractors in this category.  The D17 was purchased new by my grandfather in early 1960 even though it is a 1958 model.  The dealer was Kastner Bros. in Mauston, WI.  It was the main tractor on the farm from1960 to 1973 when they bought a used Series III D17 to help out. 
My dad and grandpa bought the 185 new from Wade Implement in Endeavor, WI in 1981.  It was one of the last 185's made.  It has a serial number of 185 15616 and has the model 649 engine in it as opposed to the older 2800.  They traded in a 3 year old 185 with six hundred and some hours on it and only had to pay $2250 extra!

Posted By: Bob D. (La)
Date Posted: 16 Apr 2011 at 4:10am
This would be mine. My 1947 WC which I purchased in 1997 or 8 and started my A-C collection. This is the same age as me. It's also the one I spoke about in my first ever tractor pull in another post. Photo taken in Nove or Dec 2010 after I had painted her. 

When you find yourself in a hole,PUT DOWN THE SHOVEL!!!

Posted By: Chris(WA)
Date Posted: 16 Apr 2011 at 4:47am
It's not orange but I would love to have this one back. Grandpa bought it new in 1938. Dad kept it till he had the auction in 1974. Was the first tractor I was allowed to use on my own to do field work. Raking hay. Fellow near Baldwin, WI has it I am told. All restored.Me on the B with Dad.

Washingtonian by choice, Wisconsin Farmboy by the grace of God!

Posted By: JohnThomas
Date Posted: 16 Apr 2011 at 5:25am
This is my '52 WD I drove as a teenager. I remember the day Dad drove it into the yard. He picked it up..brand new... at the AC dealer in Flushing Michigan and drove it almost 15 miles home. We kids were all awaiting the arrival. I can still see him swinging into the yard with a big grin! I have restored it keeping it original.
Thanks to the AC vendors on this site. Couldn't have done this with out them.
Thanks Guys!

Life is short...Make haste to be kind

Posted By: JohnCinMd
Date Posted: 16 Apr 2011 at 8:13am
My turn! Here's my grandpa & me on his WD which I still have, still original. The toolbox still the dent from my butt. I've still got the D14 pedal tractor too, which he gave me when I was a wee kid.

Posted By: George R. (MN)
Date Posted: 16 Apr 2011 at 9:08am

I guess that would be my Dad's CA that he bought new in '51. This was the first tractor I was allowed to use as a youngster.  I guess that's because it had a hand clutch and I was not quite tall enough to reach the foot clutch!  Still brings back great memories growing up on the farm! 

My tractor is not leaking oil, it's just marking it's territory!

Posted By: R.W
Date Posted: 16 Apr 2011 at 12:30pm
Not an Allis but this is mine it was the first tractor I remember (steering) when we raked hay and it was Dads 4th tractor (first was a d17 diesel) and I will never let him sell it and nor will I ever sell it.

In Search Of: 1958 Allis Chalmers D17 Diesel serial #9643D

Posted By: Brian G. NY
Date Posted: 16 Apr 2011 at 2:49pm
Me on the neighbor's "B" with hood ornaments.
Taken about 1957.
Wound up marrying the sister of the little girl in the picture.

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