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picker brackets

Printed From: Unofficial Allis
Category: Allis Chalmers
Forum Name: Farm Equipment
Forum Description: everything about Allis-Chalmers farm equipment
Printed Date: 03 Mar 2025 at 9:35pm
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Topic: picker brackets
Posted By: jhk
Subject: picker brackets
Date Posted: 15 Apr 2011 at 8:26am
I have two brackets that are mounted to the final drives and someone said they were for a corn picker, so if interested let me know as I have no use for them

Posted By: Skyhighballoon(MO)
Date Posted: 15 Apr 2011 at 8:39am
Can you post pics of them or read any casting numbers off of them?  There were different brackets for different pickers.  Thanks.  Mike

1981 Gleaner F2 Corn Plus w 13' flex
1968 Gleaner EIII w 10' & 330
1969 180 gas
1965 D17 S-IV gas
1963 D17 S-III gas
1956 WD45 gas NF PS
1956 All-Crop 66 Big Bin
303 wire baler, 716H, 712H mowers

Posted By: Jeff(WD45-SATX-TN)
Date Posted: 15 Apr 2011 at 12:02pm

Does anyone have a picture of these in use? How does the implement mount or work with those brackets? My WD45 had one, I found a matching one at Dale's show last year.

1954 WD45 NF "Iron Tater"

Posted By: jhk
Date Posted: 15 Apr 2011 at 12:46pm
The guy that told me they were picker brackets said that you backed the tractor into these first. Thats all I know. Will try and get some casting numbers off of these this afternoon.

Posted By: John WV
Date Posted: 15 Apr 2011 at 5:05pm
if they are for 33, yes you back into them

Posted By: norm[ind]
Date Posted: 15 Apr 2011 at 7:13pm
  you back into all of them  have worn TOO MANY OUT  SAME BRACKETS WILL FIT ALL

Posted By: jhk
Date Posted: 16 Apr 2011 at 12:48pm
Number of the brackets are 536902 and 536901  and then there is a smaller number that has been stamped that reads T 12. Hope this helps you out. Jim

Posted By: Skyhighballoon(MO)
Date Posted: 16 Apr 2011 at 1:20pm
Those numbers are for a 170 picker to mount to a D17 or a 190 picker to mount to a D17 or WD45.  I am very interested in them if they are unbroken.  Send me a PM with what you want for them. 

Norm - I am unfamiliar with the 33, 17, etc pickers.  But note that the brackets for a 150 picker to go on a D15 are NOT the same part numbers as these nor do they look the same size/shape (150 brackets are shorter) so I don't believe that the same brackets fit all tractors to all pickers.


1981 Gleaner F2 Corn Plus w 13' flex
1968 Gleaner EIII w 10' & 330
1969 180 gas
1965 D17 S-IV gas
1963 D17 S-III gas
1956 WD45 gas NF PS
1956 All-Crop 66 Big Bin
303 wire baler, 716H, 712H mowers

Posted By: jhk
Date Posted: 16 Apr 2011 at 1:56pm
I have no idea what they are worth what would you give for them, I want to be fair with you.  I need a pair of snap       couplers that go on the lift arms do you have any?

Posted By: jhk
Date Posted: 16 Apr 2011 at 1:58pm
me again my cell number is 641 590 6192

Posted By: norm[ind]
Date Posted: 16 Apr 2011 at 6:50pm
 the later brackets have some extra bracing but will still interchange lastone we had was a 170-190

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