Whats it worth
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Topic: Whats it worth
Posted By: AC190XTrescuer
Subject: Whats it worth
Date Posted: 13 Apr 2011 at 6:27pm
guy has a D 17 IV diesel everything good looking tin strait great original paint factory 3 pt hitch probably 65- 70% rubber needs a new p-s rim 18.4-28 said it had a head gasket on it and runs fine however the guy he got it from said it might have the #1 cylinder sleeve scoured. whats it worth he said he wants about $3500. any advice what to look for. thanks
Posted By: AC190XTrescuer
Date Posted: 13 Apr 2011 at 6:37pm
Forgot to add this but it also has a new idea loader that goes on it but it needs a new bucket and the cylinders that tilt the bucket
------------- What you cant get done today you can always do tomarrow, And if there is no tomarrow it was a waste of time today
Posted By: BennyLumpkin
Date Posted: 13 Apr 2011 at 7:51pm
With engine issues I wouldnt pay more than 2,000 to 2,500....decent unrestored Series IV's seem to bring in the 4000 range but engine problems can get super expenisve.
------------- Central PA Allis Express 1934 WC254 1945 WF 1945 WC135755 1951 WD68085 1953 WD45-150217 1957 WD45D-230744D B110
Posted By: AC190XTrescuer
Date Posted: 14 Apr 2011 at 6:23am
yes but it runs fines seems to give no trouble the guy still hasnt looked at the engine to see if the sleeve is scoured and after they put a head gasket on it it seemd cherry, any way of telling the sleeve is messed up?
------------- What you cant get done today you can always do tomarrow, And if there is no tomarrow it was a waste of time today
Posted By: Jerry fl
Date Posted: 14 Apr 2011 at 8:03pm
to can do a compression check if the sleeve is messed up you will see it in the readings all the cylinders readings should be fairly close to each other
Posted By: AC190XTrescuer
Date Posted: 15 Apr 2011 at 6:08am
ok thank for the help i will do this
------------- What you cant get done today you can always do tomarrow, And if there is no tomarrow it was a waste of time today