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Auction Prices

Printed From: Unofficial Allis
Category: Allis Chalmers
Forum Name: Farm Equipment
Forum Description: everything about Allis-Chalmers farm equipment
Printed Date: 03 Mar 2025 at 4:02pm
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Topic: Auction Prices
Posted By: BennyLumpkin
Subject: Auction Prices
Date Posted: 13 Apr 2011 at 4:35pm
So I went to the auction that had those bottoms and watched some stuff bring ok prices....
The plows brought 425.00...they had 2 auctioneers running so I missed them....didnt need them but I'd have bought them and sold them here to make sure a scrapper didnt get them.

There was the D14 I was asking about...went for 1100.00 but I had a bad feeling...being a consignment sale, there was no one around that knew anything about it, and it wouldnt start as the battery was dead....too many possibilities to throw that much money at.

I was watching this Farmall 400 pretty hard but the T/A was out of was bid up to 1400.00 and the guy wouldnt let it go for less than 1700.00....Something about those 400's I really like.

I watched this Case 400 for my wife to be...nice little tractor but it had a really bad miss, and smoked a bit...went for 900 bucks

And lastly was a set of 2 bottoms. I bid them to 150.00 and they went at 160.00....I've seen them go for far less.

Central PA Allis Express
1934 WC254
1945 WF
1945 WC135755
1951 WD68085
1953 WD45-150217
1957 WD45D-230744D

Posted By: Matt MN
Date Posted: 13 Apr 2011 at 5:24pm
that D14 went really cheap. looks to be in good shape.

Unless your are the lead horse the scenery never changes!!

Posted By: RichinWis
Date Posted: 13 Apr 2011 at 5:31pm
Looking at the D14 Benny, I think you missed out the rear rubber and wheels on that are almost worth that money, and the Power steering will cost you these days a 600.00 bill let alone if it runs or not. just my 2 cents

Posted By: Ryan Renko
Date Posted: 13 Apr 2011 at 7:43pm
Thanks for the posting!!! I enjoy seeing auction results. Ryan

Posted By: BennyLumpkin
Date Posted: 13 Apr 2011 at 7:48pm
I know it went cheap but there were too many "what if's" and I didnt really want to spend that on a tractor I didnt really really want....I only wanted it for my wife to be....I have a WC and a WD45....their the same size so it wasnt really useful to me.

Central PA Allis Express
1934 WC254
1945 WF
1945 WC135755
1951 WD68085
1953 WD45-150217
1957 WD45D-230744D

Posted By: Bill Deppe/AC Salvag
Date Posted: 13 Apr 2011 at 8:37pm
Went to a farm auction last Saturday, watched a dead 190 diesel go for $2000.00. Did have three point, sn 1440, and had the small axles. Also, a SM Farmall with live hyd and ps went for $3900.00

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