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farm progress days old time

Printed From: Unofficial Allis
Category: Allis Chalmers
Forum Name: Farm Equipment
Forum Description: everything about Allis-Chalmers farm equipment
Printed Date: 03 Mar 2025 at 11:23am
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Topic: farm progress days old time
Posted By: tractorman
Subject: farm progress days old time
Date Posted: 12 Apr 2011 at 10:15am
Years ago at the Farm Progress days in Wisconsin The dep't of Ag or someone did tractor saftey demonstrations of tipping tractors over. A WC  went over backwards, the no name green b went over side ways.  Does any have a film of those demos????

Posted By: R Aiken
Date Posted: 12 Apr 2011 at 10:44am
They did that demonstration at the county fair, in the mid 50,s at Bellefontaine Ohio.
 They started the show with a truck that wouldnot start , that had to be moved. Two guys on a JD B , came around and backed up to the truck. One guy got off the tractor and hooked the chain, and the other guy started to pull the truck.  And then all of a suddent the tractor upset and killed the guy on the tractor, that is what we thought.
   The guy on the tractor was a stuffed dummy and the tractor was controled by a rope by the guy that hooked the chane.  They also did a roolover, when they hit a bump on a fast turn,.  Also the stuffed dummy went to pices when he got his pant leg in a pto shaft.

Posted By: JayIN
Date Posted: 12 Apr 2011 at 12:09pm
In the mid 50's I was filling my diaper. Still would like to have seen it, but I probably wouldnt have remembered it.

sometimes I walk out to my shop and look around and think "Who's the idiot that owns this place?"

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