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262D Turbo Cam-How do I know I have the right one?

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Topic: 262D Turbo Cam-How do I know I have the right one?
Posted By: nowaktj
Subject: 262D Turbo Cam-How do I know I have the right one?
Date Posted: 11 Apr 2011 at 4:40pm

Here is what I did.

I have a 262D Turbo engine (~1962 vintage) that I had Berry Cam in Lester Prairie, Mn checkout.  The guy there said it needed quite a bit repair and it might be good if I found another core to start with. 
I checked the Agco parts book and it showed the D17D and D19D used the same cam (part numbers are the same) so being that I had a junk 262D out of a 1958 D17, I brought him that cam and he repaired it and I have now installed that in my 262D turbo engine.
I haven't fired the engine yet but I am concerned as I have heard a few people mention that the D19D by itself had 4 different cams.
I just called Barry Cam to see if he knows if I have an issue or not.  Left a voice mail.
Basic question I have for you guys is.....should I try this engine with the D17 cam in it?    Or should I dig the original D19 262D turbo cam out of the parts bin and have that one reworked?
Thanks in advance,

D19D, D17D, WD, WC, Snobee, #83 Plow, SC Blade, 14' disk, 400 series planter, B , Terra Tiger, M Dozer w/Baker Blade, TL-12, 42S Grader, G

Posted By: Brian Jasper co. Ia
Date Posted: 11 Apr 2011 at 8:09pm
I don't know if this helps, but when I went looking for another cam for my D17 D262, I ended up getting one from Valu-Bilt, they said there were either 3 or 4 different numbers they had listed for a D262. One was the same as the D230 in a WD45. I'd like to tell how mine runs, but I'm still waiting on the radiator shop...

"Any man who thinks he can be happy and prosperous by letting the government take care of him better take a closer look at the American Indian." Henry Ford

Posted By: MACK
Date Posted: 11 Apr 2011 at 9:46pm
If I remember right back in the D19D days they burned valves so a new cam was designed to solve that problem.   MACK

Posted By: TedBuiskerN.IL.
Date Posted: 11 Apr 2011 at 10:31pm
Brian, be sure your cam has the flats cast in to clear the connecting rods on the 4 3/8 stroke engine.

Most problems can be solved with the proper application of high explosives.

Posted By: Bob(FL)
Date Posted: 12 Apr 2011 at 7:36am
When I rebuilt my d19d, I got a cam from valu-bilt and the one they sent was for a gas engine (had a lobe for fuel pump I took it as a gas cam) called them and they wanted the casting number from old cam, sent me a new one, checked the specs and it looked like they took the shortest lobe and made them all the same, was way under size on lift.  I called a few people and was told to use the gas cam ( the specs were close to new) so I put the gas cam in and it runs great, most people said it would run better with the gas cam and it does.

Posted By: MACK
Date Posted: 12 Apr 2011 at 8:14am
Bob I have heard the same thing but never tride it to see. Never told any one to try because didn't know if that was right.
 Thanks for conferming what I have heard is true.    MACK

Posted By: nowaktj
Date Posted: 12 Apr 2011 at 11:29am
I just checked the Valu Bilt website and they show the same part number for the D17 and D19 diesel. - 1189091  
I'll have to call them later today to confirm.
I did call my guy at Berry Cam and he said he would have ground the D17 cam to the specs of the D19 cam. was 4 months ago.

D19D, D17D, WD, WC, Snobee, #83 Plow, SC Blade, 14' disk, 400 series planter, B , Terra Tiger, M Dozer w/Baker Blade, TL-12, 42S Grader, G

Posted By: Brian Jasper co. Ia
Date Posted: 12 Apr 2011 at 11:57am
Originally posted by TedBuiskerN.IL. TedBuiskerN.IL. wrote:

Brian, be sure your cam has the flats cast in to clear the connecting rods on the 4 3/8 stroke engine.
It does. The only difference was the the lobes are good on the replacement...

"Any man who thinks he can be happy and prosperous by letting the government take care of him better take a closer look at the American Indian." Henry Ford

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