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ALLIS 5040 -5050

Printed From: Unofficial Allis
Category: Allis Chalmers
Forum Name: Farm Equipment
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Topic: ALLIS 5040 -5050
Posted By: wood
Subject: ALLIS 5040 -5050
Date Posted: 10 Apr 2011 at 8:00am
I have  a  John Deere  that I am going to trade for an Allis, but the only Allis that some one would trade for a Deere  would be the 5040 or 5050. I have own all D series except the 21. I have own a 160, good tractor. If any of you can comment on the 5040 or the 5050 the good and bad, I would like to no. I no where there are both of these tractor, Lets talk 5050 5040 please.

Posted By: injpumpEd
Date Posted: 10 Apr 2011 at 8:44am
5050 is a FIAT built tractor, the 5040 is a UTB Romanian tractor which is a copy of a FIAT. UTB's were also labeled as LONG tractors around the same time frame as the 5040. Don't know many more things than that, just know they aren't actual Allis tractors, same with your 160. That being said, I don't think either one is a bad tractor, just may a little more difficult and pricey for parts and service. JMHO, Ed. 

210 "too hot to farm" puller, part of the "insane pumpkin posse". Owner of Guenther Heritage Diesel, specializing in fuel injection systems on heritage era tractors. stock rebuilds to all out pullers!

Posted By: injpumpEd
Date Posted: 10 Apr 2011 at 8:48am
by the way, what JD you trading? don't trade down just for color!

210 "too hot to farm" puller, part of the "insane pumpkin posse". Owner of Guenther Heritage Diesel, specializing in fuel injection systems on heritage era tractors. stock rebuilds to all out pullers!

Posted By: OrangePowerGA
Date Posted: 10 Apr 2011 at 8:57am

The 160 is a French built Renault.

I just purchased a 5040 this past Friday.  One owner low hour tractor that was sold back to the dealer that sold it new.  I didn't not spend a ton of time on it, just test driving in the dealers field.  I'll let everyone know more after it is delivered.  I also tried out an older MF 135...didn't feel nearly as nice.

If you are used to older machines like I am a 5040/5050 will feel very modern.
Ind. PTO...PS...Diff Lock.  The Cat II is also nice as well as the set of remotes I believe they all came with.  Mine has the optional weight hanger on the from (no weights...yet) and rear weights (~160 pounds).

From my research they are pretty strong machines. 

JD - 650

Posted By: floydmd
Date Posted: 10 Apr 2011 at 9:27am
I have owned a 5050 with a 400 loader for about 20 years--has been a dependable, trouble free tractor.  Had to rebuild the starter, and replace an injector, but just normal maintenance other than that.  Mainly use the tractor for loading manure, scraping the lane, and mowing.  Plow the garden once per year.  Very fuel efficient, evidently difficult to get parts for, but I haven't really had to try and find anything.Hope this helps.

Posted By: wood
Date Posted: 10 Apr 2011 at 11:02am
The John Deere I want to trade is a 950.

Posted By: wood
Date Posted: 10 Apr 2011 at 11:02am

Posted By: wood
Date Posted: 10 Apr 2011 at 11:09am
I am trying to get a 40 hp back up. I grow vegetables and I have all one row tractors except the 45lp. I have D12 lll a D10lll a international 274, cub , John Deere M. I have a five foot off set disc made by Taylorway. It is all that 45lp want, so I need a back up tractor to pull that disc.

Posted By: OrangePowerGA
Date Posted: 10 Apr 2011 at 2:27pm
I think either one would be an upgrade over the 950...more weight and more power.
They are geared pretty low.  They should handle the disc fine.

JD - 650

Posted By: injpumpEd
Date Posted: 10 Apr 2011 at 8:11pm
I would keep the 950 and trade the JD M. LOL! 

210 "too hot to farm" puller, part of the "insane pumpkin posse". Owner of Guenther Heritage Diesel, specializing in fuel injection systems on heritage era tractors. stock rebuilds to all out pullers!

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