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Paint Source for D17 IV

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Category: Allis Chalmers
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Topic: Paint Source for D17 IV
Posted By: rhartwick
Subject: Paint Source for D17 IV
Date Posted: 10 Apr 2011 at 6:55am
I recently re-acquired our old D17 IV.  It is still in great mechanical condition, but has been sitting outside for 20 years, and will be needing some re-painting.  I remember some discussions on this forum regarding a good source of both spray cans and gallons of paint with good color and quality, but can't find it.

I have two questions then.  The first dumb one is, which Persian Orange do I want - 1 or 2?  I assume there is only one Cream.

Second, what is a good source?  I have heard negatives about the off-color of TSC paints.  This tractor will be working, not show, but I would like the correct original color.


Posted By: Ryan Renko
Date Posted: 10 Apr 2011 at 7:20am
I can answer the color question, its persian orange #2.  Everyone has their own opinion on paint and I'm no expert so I will let them chime in. Ryan

Posted By: acd21man
Date Posted: 10 Apr 2011 at 9:28am
TSC paint, iv seen it change color over the years , we always go to carquest and get ppg paint it works the best for us we put it on show cars, it last and looks great all the time

2 wd 45,2 D-17 diesel/gas 3 pt, 220,d21, 4020,2 4430s used daily

Posted By: DSeries4
Date Posted: 10 Apr 2011 at 10:27am
I used AGCO paint on mine.  It's a little pricey, but very good.  Holds up really well.  Mine is Corporate Orange, which is only slightly different than PO#2, however they do also offer PO #2 (which is what the tractor was painted with).  For rims (and HUBS), I think Rustoleum has an almond color that is a good match.  Here in Canada I use Tremclad Recreational White - excellent quality and price.

'49 G, '54 WD45, '55 CA, '56 WD45D, '57 WD45, '58 D14, '59 D14, '60 D14, '61 D15D, '66 D15II, '66 D21II, '67 D17IV, '67 D17IVD, '67 190XTD, '73 620, '76 185, '77 175, '84 8030, '85 6080

Posted By: Bill Deppe/AC Salvag
Date Posted: 10 Apr 2011 at 11:59am
Check with Merlin Boshart, AMAC Servies, Wayland, Iowa 319 750-6711(cell) His is blended from the original code and good quality

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