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The "Other" orange tractor

Printed From: Unofficial Allis
Category: Allis Chalmers
Forum Name: Farm Equipment
Forum Description: everything about Allis-Chalmers farm equipment
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Topic: The "Other" orange tractor
Posted By: junkman
Subject: The "Other" orange tractor
Date Posted: 07 Apr 2011 at 10:10pm
I thought there might be someone out there that could help me. I had a ol boy offer to sell me a believe it or not (google it) a orange John Deere. I had never herd of one let alone seen one but it was a 1950 John Deere model MI. the I was the industrial model of the M. But you could get them from the factory yellow or orange. He said it was a good running tractor that he was in the process of restoring. He has disassembled it by taking the sheet metal off. then he sandblasted it and primered it. and now he is in the process of re painting it but has had financial problems come up and wants to sell it. He was wanting $1000 for it so my question is does this sound like a good deal? Like I say I never heard of one or seen one till today. Any info on the "other" orange tractor appreciated.   

Posted By: AC WD45
Date Posted: 07 Apr 2011 at 10:13pm
MI's are a hard to find tractor. It's worth more than that. That's a very good deal IMO He must really want it gone.....

German Shepherd dad
1957 Allis Chalmers WD45
1951 Allis Chalmers WD

Posted By: allis restorer
Date Posted: 07 Apr 2011 at 10:16pm
Yup JD did make orange tractors, Steve

Go orange or Go home!!

Posted By: wjohn
Date Posted: 07 Apr 2011 at 10:16pm
Seems like a fair price based on other M/MT prices I've seen. Even if they're not running they usually bring around that price. I kind of like the smaller 2-cylinders like the M and H... I'd probably grab it. Obviously try to make sure all the parts are there. That said, I personally haven't dealt with an MI. They're probably a little less common?

1939 B, 1940 B, 1941 WC, 1951 WD, 1952 CA, 1956 WD-45

Posted By: AC WD45
Date Posted: 07 Apr 2011 at 10:17pm
Here is all the info a guy could need.... or want LOL -

German Shepherd dad
1957 Allis Chalmers WD45
1951 Allis Chalmers WD

Posted By: junkman
Date Posted: 07 Apr 2011 at 10:23pm
The ol boy knew I was looking for a tractor to teach my twelve year old boy to drive. and if you look at the pictures on google you can see they look more like a little toy tractor. I could see my boy learning to drive on it. It's just his size.

Posted By: R.W
Date Posted: 07 Apr 2011 at 10:35pm
I got one but its yeller not orange cant tell ya much else cuz it aint running yet but a little boy isnt guna drive ours but thats because its got a big ol loader and armstrong steering!

In Search Of: 1958 Allis Chalmers D17 Diesel serial #9643D

Posted By: R.W
Date Posted: 07 Apr 2011 at 10:46pm
Just a thought Im 13 and can drive almost everything we own trucks, tractors, combine, skidsteer, dumptruck, cars, atv's. Sorry for bragging but I think its cool that I can do all of this stuff. ps. the first trator I drove was a 7045 and that proves that you aint got to get him something small! Good Luck

In Search Of: 1958 Allis Chalmers D17 Diesel serial #9643D

Posted By: junkman
Date Posted: 07 Apr 2011 at 10:54pm
Well dad would like to drive it to. Actually I have my eye on a ca Allis which would be better for a all around work horse. but have to figure out how to sneak two tractors home. I just figured something small for this is all the farming I do. Actually was looking to see if there was any money to be made on the deal down the road. Never owned a Deere and really don't want to make it a habit.

Posted By: CTuckerNWIL
Date Posted: 07 Apr 2011 at 10:57pm
There used to be a couple of them drive by our house several times a year mowing ditches. I think the county must have owned 6 or 8 of em.Maybe they were 40's ??

-------------" rel="nofollow -
Lena 1935 WC12xxx, Willie 1951 CA6xx Dad bought new, 1954WD45 PS, 1960 D17 NF

Posted By: AC WD45
Date Posted: 07 Apr 2011 at 11:10pm
Originally posted by R.W R.W wrote:

Just a thought Im 13 and can drive almost everything we own trucks, tractors, combine, skidsteer, dumptruck, cars, atv's. Sorry for bragging but I think its cool that I can do all of this stuff. ps. the first trator I drove was a 7045 and that proves that you aint got to get him something small! Good Luck
It's ok to be proud of that! Some kids I know barely even know what a tractor is. Thankflly I have friends that do so not everybody looks at my like I'm crazy LOL. First tractor I drove is a 1957 WD45 when I was 9 or 10. It was my dream then to own a tractor "when I got old" Never thought that I'd own the same one before I turned 17.  Grandpa passed away last fall and left me the tractor. I will say I'm very proud of that tractor to. It will NEVER be sold, atleast not while I'm alive. I'm only 17 now but I hope one day to teach my own kids how to drive on it, and maybe  someday it will become their's and they'll be just as proud.

German Shepherd dad
1957 Allis Chalmers WD45
1951 Allis Chalmers WD

Posted By: B26240
Date Posted: 08 Apr 2011 at 7:06am
I think a MI would be a good investment , just dont let the kid drive it as it might corupt his thinking!!

Posted By: R.W
Date Posted: 08 Apr 2011 at 8:16am
Originally posted by junkman junkman wrote:

Well dad would like to drive it to. Actually I have my eye on a ca Allis which would be better for a all around work horse. but have to figure out how to sneak two tractors home. I just figured something small for this is all the farming I do. Actually was looking to see if there was any money to be made on the deal down the road. Never owned a Deere and really don't want to make it a habit.
It sounds like a good deal to me there Is a 12 year old that drives a Mi and a show at our fair and Usually if you take it to a show you will be the only guy with one.

In Search Of: 1958 Allis Chalmers D17 Diesel serial #9643D

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