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Need B plow mounting pictures

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Topic: Need B plow mounting pictures
Posted By: ChuckLuedtkeSEWI
Subject: Need B plow mounting pictures
Date Posted: 07 Apr 2011 at 7:15pm
talked to Chuck Jones in Idaho Falls, ID tonite who was on YT looking for a B plow.   He has a two way plow setup that came off of a C and is trying to get it mounted up on his B but is missing some of the right mounts.    Was wondering if someone had some pictures of a B plow all mounted up with the correct mounts including pictures of the B depth control lever etc.   I talked to his daughter who is more internet savvy and told her that I would start a link tonite on here and that hopefully we can get some pictures up and help him get his plows all mounted up.
Also, does anyone have the new link to Rod in NH's website.   My old link doesn't work and I know there was a page on there with his plows all mounted up.   I really like his website and it's a great resource for someone with a B tractor.  
Anyways, hope we can help Chuck out and get him up and running and bring another AC fan into our family.  

1955 WD45 diesel 203322 was my dad's tractor, 1966 D15 23530, 1961 HD3 Crawler 1918, 1966 D17 IV 83495, 1937 WC 41255, 1962 D19 6221

Posted By: JohnCinMd
Date Posted: 07 Apr 2011 at 7:50pm
Is this what you're looking for?

Posted By: JohnCinMd
Date Posted: 07 Apr 2011 at 7:59pm
Couldn't get on Rod's site with what I have, but the back door worked... -

Posted By: ChuckLuedtkeSEWI
Date Posted: 07 Apr 2011 at 8:14pm
Thanks John.   I think that's exactly what he will need.   Thanks for the help.  

1955 WD45 diesel 203322 was my dad's tractor, 1966 D15 23530, 1961 HD3 Crawler 1918, 1966 D17 IV 83495, 1937 WC 41255, 1962 D19 6221

Posted By: JohnCinMd
Date Posted: 07 Apr 2011 at 8:17pm
No sweat. If he needs any other closeups, let me know.

Posted By: Bill Long
Date Posted: 07 Apr 2011 at 9:30pm
After WWII there was a shortage of B-C mounted plows.  We could get the two way hook up and the LH plow.  We sold LH plows with the promise that when they became available we would return with the RH plow.  Did we sell plows. 
That's why I'm so familiar with the two way B-C plows.  We sure mounted enough of them.  Not too bad a plowing rig.
Good Luck!
Bill Long

Posted By: trina
Date Posted: 08 Apr 2011 at 11:12am
A picture is worth a thousand words in any mans book!!!! I have the right plow BUT the wrong connections. Like Chuck was saying I do not have the adaptors to mount on the final drives. Nor do I have the hand adjustor that bolts on the side of the transmission just forward of the gear shift that in turn goes to a bar that is hooked or welded to the plow beams on the front. I do have the adjustment bar.

I looked at the lever on my single row cultivator but it will not adapt to the plow mounting. So I will have to have that hand operated lever.

I noticed that your pictures reveal no roll and cutters. I would like to have them as this soil here is real tight, and they are also good for sod.

Again THANKS for the pictures. I was about to throw this thing into the iron pile!!!!

Chuck Jones

Posted By: morton(pa)
Date Posted: 08 Apr 2011 at 11:30am
Chuck, you may also not have the correct drawbar if it came from a C. The C plow draw bar is much wider then that of the B drawbar to accommodate the wider final drives the C has. 

Also, the "roll and cutter" is called a coulter. If you decide to set it on the iron pile put it on a pallet and ship it to my door step instead! LOL

Posted By: trina
Date Posted: 08 Apr 2011 at 12:32pm
Well, the plow came from a B. I just dont have the brackets on the final drives. Keep trying though. You guies are GREAT at this, you have a head start.

As far as shipping the tractor to you... GOOD LUCK FELLA :) LOL

Posted By: JohnCinMd
Date Posted: 08 Apr 2011 at 12:48pm

Yeah, I forgot to mention that when I took the pictures I didn't have the coulters bolted on.

Posted By: trina
Date Posted: 08 Apr 2011 at 12:54pm
There appears on your pictures a strap that holds the draw bar on the final drives. We will have to see if I can get a pair of these, the coulters and the hand adjustment. Do you know of anyone that will have any of these? Thanks again for you help.

Chuck Jones

Posted By: CTuckerNWIL
Date Posted: 08 Apr 2011 at 1:02pm
I made a set of the straps that hold the brackets to the finals. Just cut a piece of flat stock to length (about an inch and a quarter longer than the distance between holes. Mark one hole for the bolt, about 5/8 in from one end, then scribe the center distance for the pin end. Drill and fit and weld the pin. 

-------------" rel="nofollow -
Lena 1935 WC12xxx, Willie 1951 CA6xx Dad bought new, 1954WD45 PS, 1960 D17 NF

Posted By: GlenninPA
Date Posted: 08 Apr 2011 at 2:28pm
There are 3 versions of the B plow. The brackets that bolt on the final drives are all different, based on the plow drawbar you have. They come up on eBay often, your best bet is to watch and get a set, or to post what you need over on the Classified, and see if somebody has a set for sale. Seems like the last person looking for them ended up getting a NOS set from my pal Fred for a good price.

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From listening comes wisdom and from speaking comes repentance.
Wise men learn more from fools than fools from the wise.

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