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262D Inj Pump Timing-What are the references?

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Topic: 262D Inj Pump Timing-What are the references?
Posted By: nowaktj
Subject: 262D Inj Pump Timing-What are the references?
Date Posted: 06 Apr 2011 at 7:46pm

I'm getting closer on this engine!!

Next step is injector pump timing and I have some troubles.

The I&M manual states to bring the engine up to 20 degrees BTDC so that the pointer on the timing gear cover is pointing at that number on the crank pulley strip. 

My problem is my strip is unreadable.  I do have a scribe across the ribs of the pulley that is approx 30 degrees forward from the keyway in the pulley.  Is this 20 degrees BTDC?

Second problem is that I am puzzled about the reference on the timing cover.  At about 11 o clock there is a hole that a pointer could be (I have a gas cover and this cover has a pin sticking out of this hole).  Back to the diesel cover, there is a cast rib in this cover that is at about at 2 o clock.  Is this the reference for diesel engines?

Thanks in advance!!

D19D, D17D, WD, WC, Snobee, #83 Plow, SC Blade, 14' disk, 400 series planter, B , Terra Tiger, M Dozer w/Baker Blade, TL-12, 42S Grader, G

Posted By: TedBuiskerN.IL.
Date Posted: 06 Apr 2011 at 7:56pm
On the rear adapter plate, there should be a pin on the left side protruding forward.  This pin screws out and there is a corresponding hole in the flywheel.  With #1 piston coming up on top with compression, the pin fits through the adapter plate hole and into the flywheel.  Now install the pump with the two lines in the center of the little window on the pump lined up.  You should now be in time.

Most problems can be solved with the proper application of high explosives.

Posted By: nowaktj
Date Posted: 06 Apr 2011 at 8:03pm
Ted-I assume when you say left side you mean from the tractor seat perspective.  I don't have anything on that side and checking around the entire perimeter of the flywheel, I do not have any holes or drill points.  This engine is out of a 1962 D19.

D19D, D17D, WD, WC, Snobee, #83 Plow, SC Blade, 14' disk, 400 series planter, B , Terra Tiger, M Dozer w/Baker Blade, TL-12, 42S Grader, G

Posted By: Gary(OR)
Date Posted: 06 Apr 2011 at 11:30pm
Just a shot in the dark as I'm going on faint memory here, but on early engines (D17D, don't know about 19D) as Ted described, there's only one mark on the crank pulley, indicating TDC. Timing cover was cast iron with a rib like you mention, if I remember correctly. The later engines have the timing strip on the pulley and an aluminum timing cover with a pointer. No timing hole in the flywheel.
I'm wondering if it's possible you may have either the wrong crank pulley or flywheel ??? 

Posted By: Matt (Jordan,MN)
Date Posted: 07 Apr 2011 at 12:30am
I had the same problem on my D19. There is a mark on the back side of the pulley. This is Top Dead Center. You will need to go 20 degrees before that point. The Best thing to do is put on a new timing strip. They are no longer available from Agco but the parts depot has them.  I got mine from there and made the job much eaiser. You also have to double check the number of degrees that you set your pump. The D19 had a number of different settings  depending on engine serial number and injection pump model number. My tractor is a early model so the pump is timed a 16 degrees. If you need more help or me to go in greater detail give me a call. It's easier to explain over the phone than to type it out.  Hope that helps   Matt    

Posted By: DonDittmar
Date Posted: 07 Apr 2011 at 7:19am

Not all engines have the hole in the flywheel.....later engines had the timing strip

Experience is a fancy name for past mistakes. "Great moments are born from great opportunity"

1968 D15D,1962 D19D
Also 1965 Cub Loboy and 1958 JD 720 Diesel Pony Start

Posted By: Brian Jasper co. Ia
Date Posted: 07 Apr 2011 at 10:55am

My early 262 has the pin and no extra hole in the timing cover, it uses the pin in the flywheel. The I&T manual has a good picture of the pointer and scale for the later style engines. In the pic it looks like the timing pointer is a small dowel that looks like it's sharpened on one end like a pencil.

"Any man who thinks he can be happy and prosperous by letting the government take care of him better take a closer look at the American Indian." Henry Ford

Posted By: nowaktj
Date Posted: 07 Apr 2011 at 11:14am
Here is a picture of the timing cover.  As you can see, there is a small hole to the left with nothing in it and then the cast triangle shaped rib at about 2 o clock. -

D19D, D17D, WD, WC, Snobee, #83 Plow, SC Blade, 14' disk, 400 series planter, B , Terra Tiger, M Dozer w/Baker Blade, TL-12, 42S Grader, G

Posted By: skipwelte
Date Posted: 07 Apr 2011 at 11:29am

the cast rib at the 2 oclock positon is the timing pointer for the diesel engines, it a real bearcat to line when the eng is in the tractor.  I know the numbers on the crankpulley are faint at best, are you sure they are unreadable, maybe rub some cleaner over it and see if the numbers appear, Ive used welding chalk and made the number more readable. Dont go by the scribe marks as you dont know exactly where they line up.  Also look up the timing for your injection pump model number as the timeing is different on different pumps.   The biggest difference is if your pump has automatic advance or not.  With auto advance its not as advanced as one without auto advance.   HTH  Good luck

Posted By: Brian Jasper co. Ia
Date Posted: 07 Apr 2011 at 11:45am

Hey Skip, why did they go from fixed timing? More power or better starting?

"Any man who thinks he can be happy and prosperous by letting the government take care of him better take a closer look at the American Indian." Henry Ford

Posted By: skipwelte
Date Posted: 07 Apr 2011 at 12:04pm
For starting,  the pump was retarded a little, then by 1100 rpm the auto advance moved the timeing for better power.    It operates off of fuel pressure,  there is a setscrew that sticks out of the bottom of the pump horizontally if it has auto advance.    HTH

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