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8010 vs 8070

Printed From: Unofficial Allis
Category: Allis Chalmers
Forum Name: Farm Equipment
Forum Description: everything about Allis-Chalmers farm equipment
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Topic: 8010 vs 8070
Posted By: BStone
Subject: 8010 vs 8070
Date Posted: 06 Apr 2011 at 7:33am
I've got an 8070 ps FWA dualls and 6900 hrs.Was using the tractor for planting oats in the fall,pulling a 15 ft mower and a 500 gal sprayer.The 8070 has 540 and 1000 pto.Have since bought a 200 hp 4 wheel drive tractor.I now would only use the 8070 to mow with a 15 ft. mower and pull a 500 gal sprayer.Since the cost of fuel is getting so high I'm wondering if it would be better to try and trade for an 8010??? I like the hyd system on the AC's for use with the sprayer.Yes I would be trading a larger dual purpose tractor for a smaller tractor that isn't big enough to pull my planting equip.Would I ever save enough on fuel (using the tractor 400 hrs a year)to justify the trade???BStone

Posted By: tnac
Date Posted: 06 Apr 2011 at 7:44am
Don't do it!

Posted By: BStone
Date Posted: 06 Apr 2011 at 8:52am
You may very well be right, but tell me why you think I shouldn't???BStone

Posted By: StewartMD
Date Posted: 06 Apr 2011 at 9:04am
I would say don't make the switch.  In my opinion it is always good to have a back up tractor.  Say your 200 hp tractor breaks down at a critical time, you could always fall back on the 8070 and keep on moving.  That's at least our thoughts, plus we sort of get attached to the tractors and can never get rid of any of them.

8030, 8010, 220, 185, 160, D-17, WD, Unstyled WC, CA, G, 20-35, Gleaner E

Posted By: John (C-IL)
Date Posted: 06 Apr 2011 at 10:07am
The fuel savings probably wouldn't justify trading tractors. You may not save any fuel making the switch either.

Posted By: Mark(MO)
Date Posted: 06 Apr 2011 at 12:09pm
What size is your planting equipment? sounds like an 8010 would be better suited to the other chores. I would agree though, don't trade. I don't think you would save that much fuel. Could you just throttle down when pulling the lighter loads?

Posted By: Amos
Date Posted: 06 Apr 2011 at 8:31pm
We traded a 8030 FWA for a 8010 FWA, a few years ago, in the thought that it would use less fuel and do the same job for us, primarily run our solid manure spreader and pull our 20' drill and the odd other job.  I just got a 8030 2 wd yesterday, to replace my 210, going to be hard to part with it..., the 8010 FWA uses more fuel than the 8030 FWA did doing the same job and it does not have the pull power the 8030 did in my opinion.  It does not start near as good as the 8030s do, for that matter the 7010 we had never did either.  I would say if you are pulling a 500 gal sprayer I would look for a 6060, 6070 or 6080.  I spray with my 6060 and have for years.  I spray about 250 acres of beans twice and 450 acres of corn once and will use a tank of fuel every 350 acres.  That is about 30 gallons to a tank, if that.  There is no doubt in my mind that no 8000 series tractor will be able to do that.  As for selling the 8070, you will most likely regret it if you do but I know it is expensive to keep a tractor around just in case you need it for 50 hours work while another one gets fixed...of course if the sun is shining and the planting is going good and the tractor is broke down and you don't have another and.....

Posted By: BStone
Date Posted: 06 Apr 2011 at 9:52pm
Thanks for the thoughts.I know I need to keep a tractor I can use in different jobs and have thought how a less horsepower tractor would limit me.I think I will keep it.It could help me from getting in a bind.BStone

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