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B, C, CA Hydro/Transmission Fluid Idea

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Category: Allis Chalmers
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Topic: B, C, CA Hydro/Transmission Fluid Idea
Posted By: JR Maley
Subject: B, C, CA Hydro/Transmission Fluid Idea
Date Posted: 05 Apr 2011 at 3:25pm
I am going to be installing a hydraulic pump on my B sometime soon.  I bought some hytran fluid at Southern States the other week in anticipation.  The viscosity of the hytran is way thinner than the gear oil called for to be normally used in the trans/diff.  I was thinking about using a good bit of Lucas ATF additive to thicken it up.  What do you think?  
On a side note, I added almost pure Lucas ATF to the hydrostatic trans on my John Deere 317 to shut it up and somewhat fix the slipping (it was ran half dry all summer years back by a family member).  Thats when I discovered the seemingly non-newtonian fluid properties of the Lucas ATF additive, it seemed miraculous.  It would flow off of a surface like oil yet leave a film behind that stuck like grease.  Ever since I have used to lube all sorts of stuff from bicycle cables to guns.

Posted By: captaindana
Date Posted: 06 Apr 2011 at 5:50pm
Wow JR I have been thinking the same since I added lucas power steering supplement to my leaking plow truck last winter. It fixed her up real quiklike!

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