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trip bucket to hydraulic?

Printed From: Unofficial Allis
Category: Allis Chalmers
Forum Name: Farm Equipment
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Topic: trip bucket to hydraulic?
Posted By: Thad in AR.
Subject: trip bucket to hydraulic?
Date Posted: 05 Apr 2011 at 6:20am
I'm looking at a wd45 with a loader but no bucket. can I use the tractors hydraulic system to use the lift and a hydraulic dump? If so what all would I need?

Posted By: omahagreg
Date Posted: 05 Apr 2011 at 6:41am
The tractor hydraulics do not give any down pressure, it just releases the pressure and gravity does the rest.  Might make the bucket a little less useful that way.  Most times, a whole new system is added if you want it all hydraulic.  

Greg Kroeker
1950 WD with wide front and Freeman trip loader

Posted By: jaybmiller
Date Posted: 05 Apr 2011 at 7:01am
You could plumb in a double acting cylinder and valve to control the bucket.Have to get the right cylinder( high pressure,low volume on tractor). Won't be cheap to do, lines, cylinder, valve,fittings,etc. probably $500  and time.

3 D-14s,A-C forklift, B-112
Kubota BX23S lil' TOOT( The Other Orange Tractor)

Never burn your bridges, unless you can walk on water

Posted By: dave63
Date Posted: 05 Apr 2011 at 7:09am
What you need is a dual action spool valve. if the cylinders have fittings on the oppaset end from the supply you may be able to take out the vents and hose it to the spool valve. this would convert the cylinders from single action to dual action. then add dual action tilt cylinders to the bucket. this will require some fabrication and a bunch of plumbing. you can use the tractors hydraulic pump but the loader will work slow. you may want to add a high capacity pump. I use to help dad put loaders on tractors, we use to make loader mount  brackets, hyd. pump mounts, spool valve mounts etc. we put about any loader on any tractor.

The universal answer to all questions is yes, how much do you want to spend?

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