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as if I needed something else o do...

Printed From: Unofficial Allis
Category: Allis Chalmers
Forum Name: Farm Equipment
Forum Description: everything about Allis-Chalmers farm equipment
Printed Date: 01 Mar 2025 at 1:21pm
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Topic: as if I needed something else o do...
Posted By: DREAM
Subject: as if I needed something else o do...
Date Posted: 04 Apr 2011 at 8:40pm
I took my C up to dad's last week, so he would have something fairly reliable to put the garden in with. I also brought home his C, which was originally my grandfathers. Bought new in 1950. C#81309. Engine #CE130201G.
It needs a ton of work. Good news is the engine is in geat shape. Has excellent compression. Bad news is everything around it is either completely worn out or rusted off of it. I have already patched several pin holes inthe TOP of te gas tank, and am slowly moving on to other mechanical issues. It's gonna take some time, but it will be like new when i'm done. Wish me luck.

I didn't do it! It was a short, fat, tall, skinny guy that looked like me!

Posted By: LloydCentWi
Date Posted: 04 Apr 2011 at 8:42pm
looks like a sprocket on the wheel for side dressers or planter units.

Posted By: DREAM
Date Posted: 04 Apr 2011 at 8:44pm
Holy crap! The shop looks TERRIBLE! Now I know what my wife was fussing about. Need to do some spring cleaning so I can have someplace  work.LOL!
Also, sorry about the dark pictures, it was late, and the camera's not too good. Tractor doesn't look any better in the daylight. though. LOL!

I didn't do it! It was a short, fat, tall, skinny guy that looked like me!

Posted By: DREAM
Date Posted: 04 Apr 2011 at 8:49pm
Lloyd, those would be for mounted cotton planters. They're still out in the shed at the farm, but they're rusted out worse than the tractor.(fertilizer hoppers were filled standing on the final drives, there was apparently some spilage, thus the excessive rust). The sprockets are on the outside because we turned the wheels around to get the tractor on the trailer.

I didn't do it! It was a short, fat, tall, skinny guy that looked like me!

Posted By: junkman
Date Posted: 04 Apr 2011 at 8:58pm
Someone needs to start a thread looking for the most cluttered shop.LOL
Wish mine looked as good as the one in the pic.

Posted By: DREAM
Date Posted: 04 Apr 2011 at 9:00pm
Bad thing is, I had already cleaned up some, so I could get the tractor in.

I didn't do it! It was a short, fat, tall, skinny guy that looked like me!

Posted By: Dipstick In
Date Posted: 04 Apr 2011 at 9:09pm
Finall, a contest that I might win, a cluttered shop contest! Dream that shop looks very well organized to me, because I would bet money you can go right to where something is an find it! If someone came in and cleaned it you would never find a thing until you had purchased it;s replacement at least once!!!!

You don't really have to be smart if you know who is!

Posted By: Hubert (Ga)engine7
Date Posted: 04 Apr 2011 at 9:49pm
That shop is clean. You've still got room to walk in there.

Just an old country boy saved by the grace of God.

Date Posted: 05 Apr 2011 at 4:44am
i think i'd win the messy shop contest....but it's my ole lady's....oooops in mean my loving wife's fault!!

Posted By: bigallis1
Date Posted: 05 Apr 2011 at 5:04am
Brent, being that the C has always been in the family will make it even better to get it restored.

Posted By: Bob D. (La)
Date Posted: 05 Apr 2011 at 5:14am
Dream, That shop ain't messy, it's just in use. LOL It makes mine look messy. 

When you find yourself in a hole,PUT DOWN THE SHOVEL!!!

Posted By: Ted J
Date Posted: 05 Apr 2011 at 7:55am
If I think about it, I will take some pics of mine when I go up and show you what a MESS really looks like!!

19?? WC / 1941 C / 1952 CA / 1956 WD45 / 1957 WD45 / 1958 D-17

Posted By: DREAM
Date Posted: 05 Apr 2011 at 9:43pm
LOL! I think we really do need a messiest shop contest. I usually start cleaning up when I run out of room to sit things down without having to sit them on top of something that is already sitting on top of something else.LOL!

I didn't do it! It was a short, fat, tall, skinny guy that looked like me!

Date Posted: 05 Apr 2011 at 10:32pm
shucks....when mine gits full, i gotta build another building, or add to the upstairs in the shop! then i move stuff and then i can't find nuthin! pffft!

Posted By: junkman
Date Posted: 05 Apr 2011 at 10:49pm
I can understand Shameless your point of view. Had one shed to work on things till it got so full I barely had a path so I went and built a bigger one. Now there both full. 

Posted By: DREAM
Date Posted: 06 Apr 2011 at 9:06pm
I see how this can happen guys. The thought has crossed my mind that if I just built another, bigger shop, I would't need to move the stuff that's in the "little" one. I would have all of the storage space that I would ever need. And so it begins.....

I didn't do it! It was a short, fat, tall, skinny guy that looked like me!

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