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1931(?) Allis U

Printed From: Unofficial Allis
Category: Allis Chalmers
Forum Name: Farm Equipment
Forum Description: everything about Allis-Chalmers farm equipment
Printed Date: 03 Mar 2025 at 3:41am
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Topic: 1931(?) Allis U
Posted By: zootownjeepguy
Subject: 1931(?) Allis U
Date Posted: 03 Apr 2011 at 7:02pm
Hello all,
 I recently dragged home an early Allis Chalmers U. This has the Continental S10 flathead engine that was overhauled back in the mid eighties and has not had over 25 hours on it since. The former owners sold their family farm and moved into a retirement park 7 years ago. The U was moved into an open shed at that time and it has not ran in a decade or more. I have had the joy of extracting "vintage gas" from the fuel tank, removing the mouse condo from the clutch housing (including 3 mouse corpses), trying to play Dr. Frankenstein and bringing life back into the magneto, and cleaning the carburetor is next on the list.

The serial number is U7143 from what I can tell, the axle housing was pitted badly and painted over. I started scraping and sanding yesterday and found what was left of the serial numbers.

I have seen later U's with the Allis engines but never anything like mine. Does anyone have pictures of the early U Air Cleaner and Carburetor? My U has a later U air cleaner with a modified mounting bracket and I was told that the original carb was replaced with a Zenith. I am also curious about the original Steering wheel and Shift lever. The wheel has a rubber rim and has been welded to the steering shaft. The shift lever appears to have been lengthened with a piece of pipe welded on and there is no knob. Pictures of the shift lever and steering wheel along with some dimensions would be very helpful. I am a Machinist, I can make the new parts if only I knew what they're supposed to look like.

Any help or information would be appreciated!

Thanks, Rich

Posted By: MNLonnie
Date Posted: 03 Apr 2011 at 7:34pm
At serial # 7405 they started with the Allis engine so you have one of the last Continentals. Someone should have some pics for you.

Waukesha B, B, IB, G, styled WF, D15, 615 backhoe, 2-Oliver OC3's, 4 Ford Model T's, 3 Model A Fords, AV8 Coupe, AV8 Roadster, 1933 Ford Wrecker

Posted By: Brad-MN
Date Posted: 03 Apr 2011 at 8:32pm

The only picture I have on my new computer or on photobucket of my Cont. U is one I have of my Kingston carb after it was rebuilt...wish I could help you out some, but that's all I have for right now.  This is the correct carb for a Cont. U, a K5 Kingston I believe.

1930 U

1938 A

1941 WF

Posted By: Orange Blood
Date Posted: 04 Apr 2011 at 6:43am

We have a similar U with the Cont motor apart right now, but I won't be back to take any pics of it till July, if that would still help I would be happy to, let me know?

Still in use:
HD7 WC C CA WD 2-WD45 WD45LP WD45D D14 3-D17 D17LP 2-D19D D19LP 190XTD 190XTLP 720 D21 220 7020 7030 7040 7045 3-7060
Projects: 3-U UC 2-G 2-B 2-C CA 7-WC RC WDLP WF D14 D21 210 7045 N7

Posted By: zootownjeepguy
Date Posted: 09 Apr 2011 at 11:04pm
After removing petrified gas from the tank & Carburetor, extracting the mouse condo (complete with 3 mummified mouse corpses) from the clutch housing, cleaning the corroded points in the magneto and rebuilding the carburetor I finally got the U running today.  Now that I have the carburetor mixture adjusted it runs great! Holds 40psi. oil pressure at operating temperature (37psi at idle).  Now I just need to machine a 2" wrench that will fit the water pump packing nuts so I can repack the pump and get it to stop dripping water!

Rich Salvaggio
'31 Allis Chalmers U 7143
'46 Willys CJ2A Farm Jeep
'48 Caterpillar D2
Antique Garden tractors
*Other rusty old junk comes & goes without notice

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