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One-sixty Starting Issue

Printed From: Unofficial Allis
Category: Allis Chalmers
Forum Name: Farm Equipment
Forum Description: everything about Allis-Chalmers farm equipment
Printed Date: 01 Mar 2025 at 7:09am
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Topic: One-sixty Starting Issue
Posted By: Dave (NE)
Subject: One-sixty Starting Issue
Date Posted: 03 Apr 2011 at 4:08pm
Having a problem with my one-sixty.  I'm not getting anything from the battery to turn the engine over.  Connected the battery charger to the battery, it turned right over and started.  The batter is only three months old, so thought either a connection issue or bad battery.  Cleaned all of the connections.  Still nothing.  Returned the battery.  It tested out good.  Connected it all back up, making sure the connections were clean.  Cleaned the ground at the tractor.  Still nothing.  Put a different ground cable on.  Nothing.  As it really seemed like a battery issue, I pulled a new battery out of one of the vehicles and put it in.  Nothing, but the light on the instrument panel does always come on.  As soon as I hook up the battery charger, it fires right up.  Sure seems like a ground wire problem now, but I've cleaned it all off and even tried a different cable.  Any ideas?  Thanks, Dave

Posted By: Fellenz
Date Posted: 03 Apr 2011 at 4:41pm

When you connect the battery charger are you connecting it directly to the battery or are you connecting the negative (ground) directly to the frame? 

Posted By: Dave (NE)
Date Posted: 03 Apr 2011 at 4:43pm

I'm connecting the battery charger to the battery.  I did also try to run a cable from the batter negative terminal to another part of the frame to see if that would make a difference.  Didn't.

Posted By: kip in cny
Date Posted: 03 Apr 2011 at 4:45pm
Its ether the safty start switch giving you problems or you have a slow draw some where.  What size battery are you useing ?  I use a group 31.  Also check the cables on the battery I had one rot on the inside and you couldnt see it until I took the cable off.

160 CA 920diesel 5020 HD-3

Posted By: Fellenz
Date Posted: 03 Apr 2011 at 4:50pm

If you're connecting directly to the battery and it starts, but won't start once the charger is removed (with battery fully charged/good battery) you either have an intermittent safety switch issue as Kip stated or you have a bad/undersized battery. 

Do you know how to jumper past the solenoid with a screwdriver to start the tractor? If you do I would try it (with tractor out of gear!) and see if it will start, this will eliminate any possible key switch or safety switch issues.

Good luck! 

Posted By: kip in cny
Date Posted: 03 Apr 2011 at 5:00pm
Did you try having the head lights on and try to starting it to see if they dim when the starter is not working

160 CA 920diesel 5020 HD-3

Posted By: Dave (NE)
Date Posted: 03 Apr 2011 at 8:10pm
Well, the headlights work fine.  The battery is large enough.  Same size as the prior one and it doesn't take much too turn that three cylinder Perkings over.  I don't think it is the safety switch, as it will always start when I use the charger.  I put new ends on the positive cable, cutting off a couple of inches of the cable.  Seems it has to be one of the cables, so I'm going to buy a new ground cable and just replace the old one.  Really got me stumped.

Posted By: DSeries4
Date Posted: 03 Apr 2011 at 10:19pm
Check for corrosion on the wires at the starter switch.

'49 G, '54 WD45, '55 CA, '56 WD45D, '57 WD45, '58 D14, '59 D14, '60 D14, '61 D15D, '66 D15II, '66 D21II, '67 D17IV, '67 D17IVD, '67 190XTD, '73 620, '76 185, '77 175, '84 8030, '85 6080

Posted By: Dave (NE)
Date Posted: 04 Apr 2011 at 9:44am
Well, messed with it some more yesterday afternoon.  I think I will take both the ground and positive cables off and replace them.  I've cleaned the cable ends, cut off a couple inches of cable and put new ends on, cleaned the ground connection on the tractor, but still no luck.  I'll clean the ends at the starter and solenoid, too.  Really has me stumped.

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