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Troubleshooting A-C 180 Power Director

Printed From: Unofficial Allis
Category: Allis Chalmers
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Topic: Troubleshooting A-C 180 Power Director
Posted By: nsula_country
Subject: Troubleshooting A-C 180 Power Director
Date Posted: 02 Apr 2011 at 11:24pm

Using advice from the Orange Members I tried engaging the PTO (hydraulic clutch) and running in 4th gear then standing on the brakes. In both high and low PD the tractor loaded down but stopped and the PTO shaft was still turning. I guess this means I have power director issues.

I read through my A-C Service Manual tonight and it doesn't have a lot of troubleshooting information. It has some info on using the OTC hydraulic tester (which I do not own), other than that I did not get a whole lot out of the text.

My questions are as follows. Which pump goes to the power director? What pressures should I have where and when? Where do I install a gauge to check these pressures? Are there any tricks I can do to prevent a tractor split and repair? If I have to split any advice on repairing a PD clutch? If pump PSI is low, can they be freshened up or only replaced? Would relief valve problems only affect PD and not PS or hydraulics?

Thanks in advance for help!


Posted By: nsula_country
Date Posted: 03 Apr 2011 at 1:08am
One thing I have noticed is the at idle through lower RPM's it will slip. If the throttle is put to the max (rated engine speed) the drive train seems to lock in and pull. It will even out power the brakes. Could this be a pump issue or is this normal for an A-C w/ PD to act this way?


Posted By: DrAllis
Date Posted: 03 Apr 2011 at 7:20am
Pressure taps for hi and low side are located on the brake lock pawl pivot point.....1/9 inch pipe threads. I'd guess the pressure regulator is stuck (common problem) on the valve which is inside the dashboard/cowl area. Once you've located the valve, the regulator is up inside the plug that takes a 7/8" wrench.

Posted By: MACK
Date Posted: 03 Apr 2011 at 7:47am
Dr Allis, I have been looking for that 1/9 plug but cannot find it. Have found some1/8 . (lol) tipeO.
 The 7/8 plug Dr. Allis talked about is the one on bottom of valve oppsite the control spool. Remove plug and spool above plug. Free spool up and replace.   MACK

Posted By: Brad(WI)
Date Posted: 03 Apr 2011 at 2:13pm
That's what I had to do.  Valve is underneath the cover on the steering column, if I remember correctly.  Remove it and take it apart.  Mine must have had dirt in it or something.  I didn't see anything, but worked great after I cleaned it.  For a pressure test, I bought an adapter and short hydraulic hose with a 400psi guage. 

Posted By: nsula_country
Date Posted: 04 Apr 2011 at 1:49pm
I did not find any plugs or ports other than where the steel lines go in the block by the parking pawl. I did read my A-C Service Manual a little more and found that the two 1/8" plugs on the PTO valve are PD test points. The pump flows into the PTO valve 1st then to the PD valve. At this valve I had <100 psi on both ports. I was supposed to have about 280 psi. Any ideas? 

I did pull the relief valve from the PD valve body. It was supposed to have 1 shim under the spring in the base of the plug and a washer at the top of the spring between the poppet and spring. I had 2 shims under the spring and no washer. This could be part of the problem. 

I pulled the big plug from the PTO valve where the stationary spool is and it had some funk in it. I will pull both valves, clean and inspect. I know the PTO valve has orifices in it and it feeds the PD valve.

I feel the pump is good. The PS works with 1 finger from idle up through full throttle. I believe the PS, PTO, and PD share the 1st pump stage. I will check the pump pressure if I cannot find problems in the valves.

I may buy a I&T manual too. The A-C Service Manual doesn't have enough details. It reads worse than IKEA furniture instructions!


Posted By: MACK
Date Posted: 04 Apr 2011 at 10:02pm
The plugs you found on the block where the lines go in are the ones the Dr. is talking about. Get a greese gun hose and a 600LB. sprayer gauge and check the pressure.   MACK

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