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Old farm pictures?

Printed From: Unofficial Allis
Category: Allis Chalmers
Forum Name: Farm Equipment
Forum Description: everything about Allis-Chalmers farm equipment
Printed Date: 01 Mar 2025 at 6:53am
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Topic: Old farm pictures?
Posted By: R.W
Subject: Old farm pictures?
Date Posted: 01 Apr 2011 at 10:22am
Do any of you guys have old farm pictures if you do could you post them? I just like the old pictures and would like to see some if you have them.

In Search Of: 1958 Allis Chalmers D17 Diesel serial #9643D

Posted By: CTuckerNWIL
Date Posted: 01 Apr 2011 at 11:09am
My Mother on the 47C and Uncle Harold stacking.

Here is the same hay loader many years earlier. My great Uncle Sam on the left and my Grandpa Henry S. Tucker

This was on the farm, Easter Sunday about 1959. I'm the good lookin' one front center with the white jacket.

This is my Great Grandpa Peter Dykhuizen and family about 1900. My Grandfather is standing behind his Dad near the center.

Another hayloading picture of Dad on the C and Uncle Harold stacking.

This is my Great uncle Sam on the All Crop combine with his cousin driving the Minnie Moe. I have some of that combine laying around in parts.

The guy in the center of this picture with the fork in hand is my granfather Henry S. The gruff looking cuss with suspenders and white shirt on the right is my great uncle Alvin Slaymaker

That's enough for now. LOL

-------------" rel="nofollow -
Lena 1935 WC12xxx, Willie 1951 CA6xx Dad bought new, 1954WD45 PS, 1960 D17 NF

Posted By: Dave Richards (WV)
Date Posted: 01 Apr 2011 at 11:30am

Posted By: chllngr528
Date Posted: 01 Apr 2011 at 11:30am
wow, it pretty cool looking at those old pics. Thanks for sharing

Posted By: JayIN
Date Posted: 01 Apr 2011 at 11:59am
you guys have some great priceless pictures. My mother is 79 and wont let any of the pictures out of the house for copying. There are a few pics of a brand new D-19 and 190XT, rotobaling, etc. Oh, well........ Its good to see your stuff!!

sometimes I walk out to my shop and look around and think "Who's the idiot that owns this place?"

Posted By: mike 44
Date Posted: 01 Apr 2011 at 12:02pm
...... thats awsome i love it!!

Posted By: Jim Lindemood
Date Posted: 01 Apr 2011 at 12:06pm
Love the old pictures - thanks for sharing.

Posted By: Dave in il
Date Posted: 01 Apr 2011 at 5:48pm
Originally posted by JayIN JayIN wrote:

you guys have some great priceless pictures. My mother is 79 and wont let any of the pictures out of the house for copying. There are a few pics of a brand new D-19 and 190XT, rotobaling, etc. Oh, well........ Its good to see your stuff!!
Get down to your local Wally mart /K mart or what ever and for about a $100 get an all in one printer scanner. Some of the newer ones will let you scan to a memory card like a digital camera uses or you can make copies onto photo paper. Everyone can have copies and Mom keeps the originals. Do it soon while she can tell you who is who in the pictures and when they were taken, you can write it on the back and future family members will thank you.

Posted By: Hudsonator
Date Posted: 02 Apr 2011 at 8:21am
This is a pictire of the first tractor in the family, a WC.  Also the first tractor shipped in to the Allis dealer in my hometown.  It was owned by my great-great grandfather.  This picture was taken sometime in the early 40's.

There isn't much a WC can't do.

WD's just do it better.

Posted By: Dusty MI
Date Posted: 02 Apr 2011 at 8:22am
I'm with Dave, or you could use a digital camera to copy them. But a scanner would work the best.


917 H, '48 G, '65 D-10 series III "Allis Express"

Posted By: ashbrook
Date Posted: 02 Apr 2011 at 2:40pm
this is my grandpa and my mom of the old fruit farm in about 1959. i put this on canvas for my mom for christmas because this was here favorite picture and my grandpa past away in the beinging of oct.
this is my grandpa and my moms older cousin. this was in early to mid 50's i think.
my grandpa picking strawberrys on the old fruit farm. i have no clue on the year.
my grandpa in the in the mid 1940's?
tingley family outing. i don't know the year but i would guess in the late 1950's
4 generations in i think about 1938.  this is my grandpa(the baby), my great grandpa, greatx2, greatx3. just thought i would put this up because of the age. my family was big in to taking picture and still is. there are lots more and kid of pick and chose them to put on here. plus there are some old movies that go back to the late 30's or so. i didn't have and on here of ac's just of some jd.

Posted By: Scott(GA)
Date Posted: 03 Apr 2011 at 10:00pm
Not as old as some but still "old".  Ha!
This picture would have been taken about 44 years ago.  We have picked the tomatos in the field and then brought them to the barn lot under the shade of a huge sasafrass tree to be cleaned, sorted and packed.  My brothers are looking right at the camera and I'm on the other side of the wagon cleaning a tomato.  Dad's topping off a half-bushel basket... everyone else are high school kids that worked for us all summer picking tomatos, cantalopes & watermelons.  Location - Knox County, Indiana.

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